Tag archive: EUROTeV
Philip Burrows | 7 July 2016
The British voted to leave the European Union. What does that mean for science? Phil Burrows, professor at Oxford University and acting Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study in the Linear Collider Collaboration discusses the likely effects the “Brexit” will have for linear collider projects.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AIDA2020, Brexit, EJADE, ELAN, EuCARD, European Union, EUROTeV, TIARA, United Kingdom
Barbara Warmbein | 14 February 2008
It was supposed be the wrap-up meeting of a successful accelerator physics project. However, when the news came that the EU-funded EUROTeV was going to be extended, the meeting in Frascati, Italy, from 23 to 25 January turned into both a summary and a future-planning session. “We've got another year to go and the project is as useful now as it was at the kick-off meeting in 2004,” says scientific coordinator Nick Walker from DESY. The collaboration contributed big chunks of R&D to the Reference Design Report and thinks that most of the work can prove useful for projects beyond the ILC. “With the collected EUROTeV expertise in beam dynamics, optics design, positron source R&D and much more we’re almost regarded as an institution,” adds project coordinator Eckhard Elsen.
Feature | Tagged:
Barbara Warmbein | 29 November 2007
People with big plans need time and space to make their dreams come true – assuming that they already have some money to get going. The time for the European-funded linear collider R&D consortium EUROTeV was almost up. Together with the CALICE collaboration, they were making plans for a virtual control room for next spring that would let them manage the experimental setup sitting in a testbeam at Fermilab remotely from a partitioned-off section of a corridor at DESY. This plan, along with many other tasks and plans run and made by EUROTeV people, is now reality: the European Commission extended the project by another year.
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Barbara Warmbein | 22 March 2007
Not all vibrations are good. With their 600 nanometres in width and only 6 nanometres in height, the ILC's particle beams could easily be veered off course if parts in the accelerating modules, for example the final focus quadrupole, moved by only a few nanometers. Monitoring and feedback systems will make sure that this doesn't happen, but it's even better to identify weak - moving - points and eliminate them from the very beginning.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, EUROTeV, geophone, seismometer, vibrations
Nobuko Kobayashi | 18 January 2007
From 20 to 22 December 2006, the first Japanese "ILC Detector" Workshop took place at KEK. It was supported by the JSPS grant for Creative Scientific Research "Research and development of a novel detector system for the international linear collider," and about sixty participants - from undergraduate to senior researcher - from all over the country came to KEK. The main purpose of this workshop was to exchange news about the R&D status of ILC detectors and ideas on the Reference Design Report (RDR) and Detector Concept Report (DCR).
Feature | Tagged:
Brian Foster | 18 January 2007
The holiday period has been a busy time for the GDE. Shortly before Christmas many of us gathered at SLAC to have a first look at the RDR and its costings with some distinguished external reviewers.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Europe, EUROTeV, MAC, Machine Advisory Committee
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