Tag archive: Fermilab
Elizabeth Clements | 24 May 2007
The newest resident in Fermilab’s Meson Detector Building is up and running. Last week, Fermilab scientists installed a nine-cell 1.3 GHz TESLA-style cavity into a cryostat in order to commission the new Horizontal Test Stand. Designed to test both 3.9 Ghz and 1.3 Ghz 9-cell niobium cavities, the Horizontal Test Stand will play an important role in the growing ILC R&D programme at Fermilab.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, Fermilab, horizontal test stand
Elizabeth Clements | 3 May 2007
Last week, more than 100 scientists from around the world met at Fermilab to discuss recipes for baking, rinsing and polishing. Not the kind used for baking a cake, instead attendees at the TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting shared information about developing the optimal recipe for pushing superconducting radiofrequency, or SCRF, technology forward.
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Fermilab, TESLA Technology Collaboration, TTC
Barry Barish | 26 April 2007
Two of our principle collaborating institutions in the ILC are KEK Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan and Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. This week the KEK Director General, Atsuto Suzuki, came to Fermilab to discuss increased collaboration.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Fermilab, Japan, KEK, United States
Elizabeth Clements | 12 April 2007
With a brand new floor and freshly cleaned out space, Fermilab's New Muon Laboratory is about to become the new home to a sixty-metre-long accelerator that will serve as a test area for ILC R&D. Until recently, the New Muon Laboratory housed the 2000-ton Chicago cyclotron magnet for more than 24 years. The newly renovated area will now be used to test cryomodules for the ILC with an electron beam.
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Fermilab, New Muon Laboratory
25 January 2007
At the opening session of the ILC Test Beam Workshop on Wednesday, participants learned how the upgraded Meson Test Beam Facility will keep pace with the high-precision measurements required by the proposed ILC. The upgraded facility is set to be commissioned next week.
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Fermilab, Meson Test Beam Facility
Elizabeth Clements | 16 February 2006
On Monday, 6 February, a team of cryogenic engineers and accelerator physicists at Fermilab successfully cooled the first TESLA 9-cell 1.3 GHz cavity to 4.5 K (Kelvin) in the ILC Test Area in the Meson Detector Building (ILCTA-MDB). Travelling to Hamburg, Germany, Fermilab personnel assisted DESY in preparing the "ILC-like" cavity, called Capture Cavity II (CCII), and shipped it to its current home in Batavia, Illinois in August 2005.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity production, DESY, Fermilab
Elizabeth Clements | 20 October 2005
Four unprocessed TESLA cavities recently arrived at Fermilab for measurements and testing. The 9-cell, 1.3 Ghz cavities, manufactured by ACCEL in Germany, will be used to construct the first U.S. cryomodule for International Linear Collider R&D near the end of 2006.
Feature | Tagged:
1.3 GHz, cavity, Fermilab, TESLA
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