Tag archive: Higgs
Barry Barish | 6 September 2012
The particle physics communities worldwide are undertaking strategic planning processes that will set out the course of the field for the coming years. Recent science results, such as the discovery of the Higgs-like particle and the measurement of a relatively large value of theta13, open up exciting future possibilities. In Europe, the process of developing an update to the European Strategy for Particle Physics is under way. The next major step will be an open symposium in Krakow, Poland, from 10 to 12 September, for which a set of linear-collider input documents has been submitted.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, future, Higgs, ILC
Rika Takahashi | 23 August 2012
The Japanese high-energy physics community has now published its recommendations in English. Their report strongly endorses two large-scale projects: an early realisation of a linear collider and a large-scale neutrino detector.
Around the World | Tagged:
Higgs, ILC Strategy Council, Japan, KEK, neutrinos
Sakue Yamada | 26 July 2012
The discovery of the Higgs-like particle at the LHC is exciting news for the whole community. The physics-and-detetor Detailed Baseline Design report, along with a sound physics case that allows studies of and beyond the Standard Model, is on the to-do list and must be finished when more definite news about the particle come out.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, Higgs, precision measurements, Standard Model
Image: CERN | 5 July 2012
Surrounded by cameras and showing a variety of emotions – delighted, touched, excited, shy, proud, almost overwhelmed – the central theorists, CERN management and the spokespeople of the experiments get together for a group picture after yesterday's press conference. Front row, left to right: theorist Francois Englert, theorist Peter Higgs, ATLAS spokeswoman Fabiola Gianotti, CERN director Steve Myers. Back row, left to right: CERN director Sergio Bertolucci, CERN DG Rolf Heuer, CMS spokesman Joe Incandela, theorist Carl Hagen, theorist Gerald Guralnik. Missing in the picture: Robert Brout and Tom Kibble and the rest of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 5 July 2012
The announcements of the most recent results from the search for the Higgs boson at the LHC bring into sharper focus the new physics at the energy frontier and the potential role of the ILC. Although it is still too soon to know what will be uncovered regarding the Higgs mechanism from studies at the LHC, it is worth pointing out the long-range potential for Higgs physics at the ILC. Two examples illustrate how the ILC will be able to shed further light on the phenomena seen at the LHC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Video: CERN | 5 July 2012
After all of this week's news, press releases, blog posts, backgrounders and newspaper stories here's more about the Higgs - catchy, rhythmic and full of clever lyrics. If you think you've still not grasped the Higgs mechanism this song will stick in your head! It's "The Particle Physicists' Song" (based on "The Hippopotamus Song" by Michael Flanders and Donald Swann), with lyrics by Danuta Orlowska, performed by the CERN choir in the CERN Control Room in 2010. Enjoy and pass the tune on to your colleagues...
Video of the week | Tagged:
CERN, control room, Higgs
Jonathan Bagger | 5 July 2012
The Higgs is Different, says Jonathan Bagger, a theoretical physicist and chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee ILCSC. It has no spin, it fills the vacuum, but most importantly, it opens the door to a new range of questions. Questions which a linear collider with its clean and controlled collisions could help answer.
Feature | Tagged:
dark energy, extra dimensions, grand unification, Higgs, Higgs factory, ILC, ILCSC, supersymmetry
Barbara Warmbein | 5 July 2012
The LHC experiments are definitely homing in on a Higgs boson in a mass region somewhere around 126 GeV. Further studies and more data from the LHC will tell us more about what it is that they have found, but only a linear collider will be able to tell without prejudice whether it’s a Standard Model Higgs (or not) and determine its mass with a precision down to about 60 MeV. Here’s how.
Feature | Tagged:
decay mode, Higgs, ILC, ILD, LHC, particle flow, SiD
Sakue Yamada | 5 July 2012
We in the ILC Research Directorate are thrilled with the announcement from CERN this week that a Higgs-like particle has been discovered. The Higgs particle has been a target of our experiments for over decades, and the affirming news from LHC finally means a great step forward. I wish to congratulate CERN and all physicists who contributed to this success.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detectors, Higgs, LEP, LHC, SLC, Tevatron
Barry Barish | 7 June 2012
The international KILC12 workshop was held in April in Korea to discuss topics varying from ILC physics to the nuts and bolts of the accelerator and detector designs for the International Linear Collider. This meeting came at a crucial time when the design decisions for the Technical Design Report was being finalised and the writing of the report being begun in earnest.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DBD, Higgs, Japan, KILC12, physics, TDR
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