Tag archive: ILC HiGrade
Nikolai Promies, DESY | 23 November 2016
Teachers in the test beam! ILC cavitiy testing and test beam life played a major role at a recent teacher training held at DESY. It was the first time that the German lab invited high school teachers for a week focused on particle physics.
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calorimeter, cavity R&D, cloud chamber, DESY, ILC HiGrade, outreach, school lab, teachers, test beam
20 October 2011
The optical inspection system OBACHT at DESY moved to a new lab roughly 25 metres below the surface in one of the former experimental halls of the HERA accelerator. Becoming good neighbours - OBACHT and HERA!
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Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 March 2010
Last week, collaborators from the ILC-HiGrade European Commission Framework 7 Project gathered at CERN, Switzerland for their annual meeting. Each project work package, from cavity, coupler and tuner production to ILC governance studies, was reviewed on 25 February. The ILC-HiGrade project is conducted by six European institutions: DESY, CEA, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3, INFN and Oxford University. 'ILC-HiGrade' stands for 'International Linear Collider and High Gradient Superconducting RF-Cavities' and one of the main objectives of the proposal is a small serial production of accelerating cavities at highest gradients.
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Europe, ILC HiGrade
Barbara Warmbein | 4 September 2008
There are many official stages to a project financed by the European Commission – from call, proposal, negotiations, contract draft, start of work, annual reports to one of the most official events: the kick-off meeting. Europe's new flagship project on cavity production and exploration of international governance structures, ILC-HiGrade took this step last week. Representatives form all eight work packages were at DESY to present their objectives, their to-do lists and the milestones already achieved.
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DESY, Europe, ILC HiGrade
Brian Foster | 31 July 2008
My last Director's Corner in January summarised the situation in Europe as far as it could be discerned through the still-settling dust after "Black December". Six months later, it is appropriate and useful to revisit the new landscape in Europe.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Europe, ILC HiGrade, Science and Technology Facilities Council, STFC, UK budget
3 July 2008
The partners of the 'ILC-HiGrade' proposal for the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme have just started a contract for five million Euros funding over the next four years with the European Commission. 'ILC-HiGrade' stands for 'International Linear Collider and High Gradient Superconducting RF-Cavities.' One of the main objectives of the proposal is a small serial production of accelerating cavities, superconducting components made of pure niobium for the planned International Linear Collider (ILC), that reach the high technical standards needed for the planned particle physics project. Other objectives of the ILC-HiGrade proposal are the development of a possible organisation and governance for the ILC and measures to prepare for the actual construction of the machine, including a detailed study on possible sites in Europe.
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Europe, ILC HiGrade
Barbara Warmbein | 2 August 2007
It’s the age of electronic mail, but in the last weeks Eckhard Elsen from DESY took several trips per day to his snail mail in-tray down the corridor because he was waiting for an important letter. Then finally a letter and an email arrived from Brussels saying that contract negotiations for a six-lab proposal managed by Elsen will start soon. ILC-HiGrade, or “International Linear Collider and High Gradient Superconducting RF-Cavities” is a proposal for the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), which is asked to prepare for contract negotiations with a funding sum of up to five million Euros.
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ILC HiGrade
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