Tag archive: Japan
Barbara Warmbein | 11 January 2007
"The most important skill of any secretary is to know the experts. You don't have to be able to do everything yourself, but you have to know who to ask!" Ramona Matthes is a secretary at DESY and together with two colleagues and a couple of scientists form the core of the local organising committee for the Linear Collider Workshop and GDE meeting that will take place at DESY from 30 May to 4 June 2007. In physicists' terms it is far too early to even think about this meeting, but in administrative terms the organising team did well to start in August last year – organising a meeting for up to 800 people isn't done in a couple of weeks, and there are many major and minor things that all have to work once the hordes of participants arrive. With three GDE meetings each year and many others at the side, every region of the ILC has learnt this, sometimes the hard way.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, LCWS, LCWS07
Barry Barish | 11 January 2007
Mitsuaki Nozaki, GDE Asian Regional Director, discussed the community-wide consensus on priorities for the future programme in high energy physics in Japan in the Directors Corner of 22 November.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
HEP, High Energy Physics, Japan, timeline
Mitsuaki Nozaki | 22 November 2006
A community-wide consensus is inevitable to promote a big project like the International Linear Collider, otherwise the project will not be supported by other science disciplines and governments.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
HEP, High Energy Physics, Japan
Mitsuaki Nozaki | 14 September 2006
Science is a great achievement of human endeavour and culture. Yet sometimes people get confused about the distinction between science and foolish ideas.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, KEK
Barry Barish | 29 June 2006
Not long after I became GDE Director, and even before I had recruited our initial design team, I gave a plenary talk on my ideas and plans for the ILC design effort at the Particle Accelerator Conference PAC05 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, LC school, linear collider school, Sokendai
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