Tag archive: Jefferson Lab
Joykrit Mitra | 16 October 2014
All eight cavities in an ILC-type cryomodule achieved the accelerating gradient specified for the International Linear Collider earlier this month. The cryomodule, CM2, was developed and assembled to advance superconducting radio-frequency technology and infrastructure at Americas-region laboratories.
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CM2, Fermilab, Jefferson Lab, superconducting cavity
Julianne Wyrick | 22 August 2013
How many people do you know with ILC tattoos? We know one, and he interned with Jefferson Lab’s Electron Gun Group this summer.
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CEBAF, electron gun, ILC design, Jefferson Lab
Leah Hesla | 26 July 2012
Fermilab scientists have a new diagnostic tool that could lead to far more efficient accelerator cavities. The temperature mapping system, fitted with 576 sensors, reads the temperature of every square centimetre of cavity surface and might thus help scientists get to the bottom of the problem of why superconducting cavities dissipate much more energy than theory predicts.
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cavity temperature mapping, Cornell, Fermilab, Jefferson Lab, superconducting cavity
Images: Jefferson Lab | 23 February 2012
Charles Reece, deputy director of Jefferson Lab’s Institute for Superconducting Radiofrequency Science and Technology, leads GDE Executive Committee members on a tour of the new facilities that will be available upon completion of the Technology and Engineering Development Facility, a $72 million structure that will keep the lab in the forefront of SRF developments. John Hogan, Jefferson Lab SRF Cryomodule Production Leader, shows GDE Executive Committee members the sixth C100 cryomodule (of ten) being produced at Jefferson Lab as part of the lab's 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project. This cryomodule is at the cold-mass assembly stage and Hogan is discussing the integrated design of the components as they relate to overall cryomodule performance. Members of the GDE Executive Committee pause during a tour of Jefferson Lab's Institute for Superconducting Radiofrequency Science and Technology for a group photo between two C100 cryomodules being built for Jefferson Lab's 12 GeV Upgrade.
Image of the week | Tagged:
executive committee, GDE, Jefferson Lab
Christine Herman (FNAL) | 8 September 2011
The halo of an electron beam does not make it angelic. It only adds to the beam's messy profile, making more work for physicists like Jefferson Lab’s Pavel Evtushenko, who was recently awarded funding for five years to look into developing high-range dynamics beam diagnostics that could help clean up electron beams.
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beam diagnostic, Jefferson Lab, JLab
Christine Herman (FNAL) | 21 July 2011
Scientists at Jefferson Lab advance high-voltage electron gun research to create tight, spin-polarised electron beams.
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electron gun, Jefferson Lab, JLab
Leah Hesla | 9 June 2011
Last month Jefferson Lab, instrumental in developing SCRF technology for the ILC, took a critical step in a five-year upgrade of its CEBAF accelerator. Once complete, the machine will be able to accelerate electron beams to energies of up to 12 GeV, allowing researchers to chart, with ever greater depth and resolution, the map of the nucleon.
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CEBAF, Jefferson Lab, JLab
Leah Hesla | 5 May 2011
Anything bulk niobium can do, thin films can do better. At least, that’s the hope of Jefferson Laboratory scientists, who are currently exploring a method that would allow them to create customisable thin niobium films.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity processing, cavity surface, Jefferson Lab, JLab, niobium, superconducting cavity, thin films
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