Tag archive: KEK
Rika Takahashi | 10 September 2009
One of the most important subject in future high-energy experiments is to search and investigate the Higgs particle – the last missing piece of the Standard Model. Another important subject is the investigation of physics beyond the Standard Model such as supersymmetry. From 31 August to 3 September, the first “GRACE school”, the school for one of the important tools for quests in high-energy physics, was held at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan in cooperation with Kogakuin University.
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GRACE, KEK, school, Tsukuba
27 August 2009
At the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK, researchers around the world are testing the feasibility of their accelerator techniques. Because the ILC beams are very small, very accurate and precise beam diagnostic measurements are required. Physicists from Notre Dame University, US, and Oxford University, UK, visited ATF2 in July to make tests relevant to beam diagnostic measurement.
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ATF, beam diagnostic, KEK, Notre Dame University, Oxford University, United Kingdom, United States
Gerrit Hörentrup (DESY) | 27 August 2009
When groups from different countries work together the usual procedure is to send the people to the machines they are working on. A team of engineers and technicians from DESY, Fermilab and KEK decided to do the exact opposite: they sent the machines to the people. On 3 August two machines constructed at DESY embarked on a voyage to Fermilab in the US.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity tuning, DESY, Fermilab, KEK
Kaoru Yokoya | 30 April 2009
(...) One of the most important plans for the ILC project is to build a new superconducting radiofrequency (rf) cavity production facility on KEK premises, aiming to gain experiences for industrialisation and future mass-production.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, industrialisation, Japan, KEK
2 April 2009
Commissioning has begun at the Japan-based Accelerator Test Facility 2, a major technology test bed for future accelerators, including the proposed International Linear Collider, or ILC. During the two-year commissioning process, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory physicists are shuttling back and forth to KEK, the high-energy accelerator lab in Tsukuba, to join an international team of scientists working around the clock to get the accelerator's final focus system up and running. When fully commissioned, this system will squeeze the facility's electron beam down to a slender ribbon just 35 nanometers thick—the narrowest beam of particles ever achieved.
Around the World | Tagged:
22 January 2009
A new beamline for R&D toward nano-meter electron beam has started operation at KEK's Accelerator Test Facility - ATF. This new beamline, called ATF2, is an extension of ATF, and the focus of the research there will be on establishing the technologies for creation and control of a nano-meter-sized electron beam.
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13 November 2008
Plans are taking shape to form a new group to coordinate and stimulate R&D on monolithic and vertically integrated pixel detectors for scientific applications in high-energy physics and beyond. In a joint message, the directorates of CERN, KEK and Fermilab have offered their support. They suggested the formation of a regionally balanced coordination board to take this forward. From discussions in recent reviews and workshops, we think there is an opportunity for the many efforts underway worldwide to benefit a larger community. We already have strong collaborations for the development of vertical integration and monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS). The new world-wide effort would build upon the existing collaborations and open the technology developments to other scientific areas. We will discuss how best to achieve this at upcoming meetings. Our suggestions will then be comunicated to the directorates of CERN, KEK and Fermilab.
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CERN, detector R&D, Fermilab, KEK, MAPS, monolithic active pixel sensors
Barry Barish | 9 October 2008
Research and development on superconducting radiofrequency (rf) cavities, cryomodules and operational units is at the core of our programme to develop the technologies, the best possible machine design and an implementation plan for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cryomodule, KEK, plug compatibility, S1-global, SRF technology, STF, test linac
Barry Barish | 2 October 2008
The ILC's beams pass through each accelerating element once before they are directed to collide with the beam travelling in the opposite direction. This poses the two main challenges in the ILC: to achieve a very high gradient in the accelerator in order to make it as short as possible while achieving the desired energy, and to achieve very small beam spots to maximise the probability of collisions by the crossing beams.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ATF2, beam emittance, beam spot size, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 25 September 2008
On Wednesday, 24 September, KEK held a symposium entitled “Starting up the world's most powerful accelerators: LHC and J-PARC” in Tokyo. This symposium was the second one in a series of symposiums aiming for gaining more understanding of accelerator science. The main audience of this symposium was the industry. “We would like to place an emphasis on the collaboration between industry, the universities and the laboratories which enable those big accelerator projects,” said Mitsuaki Nozaki, the chief organiser of the symposium. “I believe that efforts like these are essential to realise another big accelerator project in the future, such as the ILC,” he added.
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