Tag archive: KEK
Rika Takahashi | 23 August 2012
The Japanese high-energy physics community has now published its recommendations in English. Their report strongly endorses two large-scale projects: an early realisation of a linear collider and a large-scale neutrino detector.
Around the World | Tagged:
Higgs, ILC Strategy Council, Japan, KEK, neutrinos
Kaoru Yokoya | 26 July 2012
With the news of the Higgs, public interest in particle physics in general and the ILC in particular is at an all-time high. Kaoru Yokoya, Asian Regional Director, says that now is the time to foster this interest and find the next generation of particle physicists in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, outreach
Rika Takahashi | 26 April 2012
KEK's superconducting radiofrequency test facility, called STF, has graduated. No longer a test facility, it is now a fully fledged accelerator.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, milestone, Quantum Beam Project, SRF, STF
Image: KEK | 12 April 2012
KEK staff perform a facility disaster prevention and training at the accelerator test facility (ATF), recreating laboratory conditions in an emergency situation. One resourceful staff member flips open his cell phone for a light source.
Image of the week | Tagged:
earthquake, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 12 April 2012
You may know Akira Yamamoto as an ILC Project Manager. Already head of KEK’s cryogenics science centre, he is now wearing a third hat for the next Japanese fiscal year, as he has just been appointed new head of KEK's Linear Collider Project Office.
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Rika Takahashi | 5 April 2012
The ILC programme’s Nobu Toge has been appointed as one of KEK's five trustees. He began working with the linear collider in 1986, later joining the Global Design Effort in 2005. Toge will remain in the GDE directorate as a member of the editorial team for the Technical Design Report.
Profile | Tagged:
Image: H. Hayano | 29 March 2012
At KEK's superconducting RF test facility, better known as STF, scientists are conducting beam tests of their photocathode RF gun towards beam operation of the accelerator for the Quantum Beam Project. On 22 March, scientists succeeded in the extraction of a 1-millisecond beam for a 162.5-megahertz bunch train. Pictured here is a signal from the beam position monitor (blue) and a laser gate signal (violet). Read more about the Quantum Beam Project in a future issue of ILC NewsLine.
Image of the week | Tagged:
beam monitor, KEK, Quantum Beam Project, STF
Rika Takahashi | 22 March 2012
KEK's recently established Cavity Fabrication Facility is a one-stop shopping facility for fabricating superconducting radiofrequency cavities. The fully equipped facility provides a unique and valuable opportunity: a full sequence of R&D for cavity fabrication on one laboratory’s premises.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, Cavity Fabrication Facility, cavity manufacturing, cavity testing, CFF, industry, KEK, superconducting cavity
Image: Nobu Toge | 1 March 2012
The Quantum Beam Project at KEK's Superconducting Test Facility is being prepared for start-up. On 27 February, scientists successfully produce and extract the beam from the RF-gun.
Image of the week | Tagged:
KEK, Quantum Beam Project, STF
Barry Barish | 9 February 2012
On 19 and 20 January 2012, the third Baseline Technical Review to finalise the Technical Design Report baseline was held at KEK laboratory in Japan. The meeting reviewed the proposed cavity gradient performance, cavity integration, and the main linac integration and interfaces to the ILC conventional facilities, including radiofrequency power, control and interfaces to conventional facilities. A special meeting on superconducting radiofrequency costs followed this meeting on 21 January.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline technical review, btr, KEK, SRF, Superconducting RF, TDR, Technical Design Report
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