Tag archive: LIGO
Rika Takahashi | 4 October 2018
Four Nobel laureates in Physics Sheldon Glashow, Barry Barish, Masatoshi Koshiba and Yoshinori Osumi publicly support the ILC project in a symposium held at the University of Tokyo last August. The ILC is “absolutely essential,” they said, and not just for particle physics.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC site, Japan, LIGO, Nobel prize
Jim Brau | 14 December 2017
This year’s Nobel Prize was awarded to our colleague, Barry Barish, a former, prominent leader of the linear collider community for many years. Associate Director for Physics and Detectors Jim Brau reports on Barry Barish’s role in the first direct detection of gravitational waves and managing large science projects.
Feature | Tagged:
Barry Barish, GDE, gravitational waves, history, LIGO, Technical Design Report
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 3 March 2016
You cannot possibly have missed that gravitational waves have recently been discovered by the LIGO-VIRGO scientific collaborations. But in case you missed the talk at CERN explaining it, you can watch it here. See also "A dream comes true" from the last issue of LC NewsLine, a personal view of the discovery by Barry Barish.
Video of the week | Tagged:
gravitational waves, LIGO, Virgo
Barry Barish | 11 February 2016
The direct detection of gravitational waves, announced today by the LIGO-VIRGO scientific collaborations, marks another great day in the history of fundamental research. It is the product of years of preparation, data taking and hard scientific work and provides just as many answers as new questions to physics. One man has witnessed the project’s history and its breakthrough first hand and provides his personal view of the story (and what it means for other science projects): former ILC Director Barry Barish.
Feature | Tagged:
Barish, Caltech, CNRS, Einstein, gravitational waves, ILC, INFN, LIGO, MIT, NIKHEF, Virgo
Barry Barish | 20 September 2012
There are no official proposals for where the ILC could be located. Rather, our approach has been to develop an ILC design compatible with three “sample” sites that have different characteristics. In this process, we have by no means ruled out the possibility of housing the ILC in a shallow site, even though all three of our sample sites are deep underground. A new shallow site possibility has recently been suggested in Hanford, Washington in the US.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cut-and-cover, DOE, ILC site, LIGO, United States
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