Tag archive: Linear Collider Forum of America
7 August 2008
The Linear Collider Forum of America (LCFOA) held an ILC industrialisation meeting and briefing for Congressional staffers on Capitol Hill on 29 July. The briefing was attended by 46 persons from universities, industry, and laboratories and Congressional staff. About half of the attendees were Congressional staffers. The objective of the briefing was to emphasise the importance of a strong industrialisation component within the Americas Regional Team's Technical Design effort, describe other potential benefits of the ILC technologies for industry and the country, and to recommend the economic and educational benefits of siting the ILC at a U.S. site during the Technical Design phase timeframe to the U.S. audience.
Around the World | Tagged:
industrialisation, LCFOA, Linear Collider Forum of America, United States
Barry Barish | 19 April 2007
To strengthen our efforts for the ILC engineering design phase, we intend to increase our focus on industrialisation.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
engineering design, industrialisation, LCFOA, Linear Collider Forum of America, United States
Elizabeth Clements | 8 March 2007
Last week on 28 February, U.S. industry members and scientists gathered at the Linear Collider Forum of America meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to start a dialogue with congressmen and senate and house staffers about the International Linear Collider. The recent publication of the Reference Design Report made the meeting a timely venue to discuss plans to increase worldwide ILC R&D, a programme that will require participation from industry members around the globe.
Feature | Tagged:
LCFOA, Linear Collider Forum of America, United States
Barry Barish | 29 September 2005
It is important for all of us who are developing the technologies, designs and plans for the ILC to recognize that the majority of the construction of the actual machine will be done by industry.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
industry, LCFOA, Linear Collider Forum of America
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