Tag archive: R&D Plan
Barry Barish | 2 September 2010
[...] For the technical part, especially with the limited resources we have available, we have defined a prioritised R&D programme, and a design effort focused on cost, performance and risk optimisation. This programme is main subject matter of the newly released R&D Plan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC Research and Development Plan, R&D Plan, TDP, Technical Design Phase
Barry Barish | 5 March 2009
We characterise the present period of the Global Design Effort activities as a four-year programme to prepare ourselves to be ready to propose a well conceived ILC construction project to collaborating governments by around 2012.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC R&D, ILC Research and Development Plan, R&D Plan, TDP, Technical Design Phase
Barry Barish | 16 October 2008
Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) in Newport News, Virginia is a major DoE laboratory for Nuclear Physics. The laboratory has a pioneering 6 GeV electron accelerator that is based on superconducting RF accelerating technology.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC R&D, JLab, R&D Plan, single-crystal niobium, SRF technology, Superconducting RF
Barry Barish | 19 June 2008
The R&D plan outlines our strategy to advance the ILC design effort to the point where we will be ready to propose a robust construction project in a few years.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC R&D, R&D Plan, schedule, TDP, Technical Design Phase
Barbara Warmbein | 13 March 2008
At the end of a productive working day, a long journey, a hard job or a rewarding week, Japanese people have a very useful phrase that expresses everything from gratitude and pride to exhaustion: Otsukare sama deshita, or simply otsukare. Even though not all participants of last week's TILC08 meeting may be aware of the expression, all are almost certainly aware of the 'otsukare' feeling after several days of intense and rewarding parallel and plenary sessions, splinter meetings and social interaction. Here are some impressions from the meeting that did not make it onto the official agenda.
Around the World,
Slideshow | Tagged:
Japan, photo album, R&D Plan, Sendai, TILC08
Barry Barish | 13 March 2008
Last week the Global Design Effort held a major collaboration meeting at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan attended by more than 200 participants from both the ILC detector and accelerator efforts.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, R&D Plan, Sendai, TDP, Technical Design Phase
Barry Barish | 7 February 2008
President Bush released his budget request for the US fiscal year 2009 (FY09) earlier this week.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, R&D Plan, United States, US budget
Barry Barish | 17 January 2008
...I said that we hoped to come up with a revised plan for the next phase of our ILC R&D programme, and I report today on our conclusions and consensus as to how we propose to redefine our plans and goals in response to the new budget constraints.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
EC, executive committee, R&D Plan
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