Tag archive: SB2009
Barry Barish | 10 January 2013
Last year was an especially exciting year for particle physics with the discovery of a 126-GeV particle that appears to be the long-sought Higgs boson. This event is likely to be the most important discovery in decades: the observation of a new kind of particle that signals the mechanism for creating mass in the universe. These impressive early results already point to future directions for the LHC, and more broadly for particle physics. In fact, closer to home, this discovery is providing strong motivation for a Japanese initiative for a staged approach to the ILC, beginning with a ~250 GeV Higgs factory, with the capability of increasing the energy in the longer term.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost review, Higgs, Higgs factory, SB2009, Technical Design Report
Ewan Paterson | 24 June 2010
In a new large accelerator complex which will take years to get approved and constructed, one must maintain some degree of flexibility in its design as many things can change before a construction start.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline, baseline configuration, ILC baseline, ILC design, RDR baseline upgrade, SB2009
Barry Barish | 13 May 2010
The cost of the project "next-generation linear collider" ILC has been a major issue, ever since we began our ILC design work in 2005. The scale of the project and the costs of the ILC are roughly equivalent to the largest present-day science projects, like the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The good news is that we believe the ILC will not cost more than these megascience projects, and they have actually been built or are being built. The bad news is that the present world economic situation and government priorities are such that it will be extremely difficult to convince governments to make yet another large investment in a fundamental science project of such a large scale. Nevertheless, fundamental science must go on...
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost breakdown, cost estimate, ITER, LHC, Reference Design Report, SB2009
Barry Barish | 18 March 2010
[...] we have sought a more critical technical review process. We now have had such a review and it has made us reconsider some of our plans as a result. We will be interacting with the AAP in the coming months regarding the detailed recommendations in their report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AAP review, Accelerator Advisory Panel, SB2009
Barry Barish | 21 January 2010
The first step in evaluating the SB2009 proposal was an in-depth review held in Oxford, UK, just after the New Year. The Acceleration Advisory Panel (AAP) is a panel of technical and project experts that advises me on technical, R&D and management issues. It will be a couple of more weeks before I receive their detailed report, but in anticipation, I briefly report some highlights based on their comments to me and their presentation at the closeout session. -- Barry Barish
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AAP, Accelerator Advisory Panel, SB2009
Jim Brau | 21 January 2010
[...] Sakue has created a working group of people who are able to simulate the effect of SB2009 parameters on physics performance. Some changes are expected to have little effect on the physics performance of the ILC, while other changes potentially may have important negative implications, challenging the fulfillment of the Parameters and performance.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
baseline configuration, SB2009
Barry Barish | 14 January 2010
Over the past year, the ILC project managers have led a focussed effort to assess the ILC baseline configuration that is documented in the Reference Design Report (RDR) and as a result have developed a set of proposed baseline changes that are aimed at reducing costs and improve the technical design.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, RDR, SB2009
Sakue Yamada | 17 December 2009
The physics and detector activity for the ILC entered into a new stage after the validation of the Letters of Intent (LOIs) and following discussions during the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG) workshop in Albuquerque, US. Close to the turn of the year, I wish to survey what has been going on since then. -- By Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
LOI, SB2009
Barry Barish | 10 December 2009
In recent months the project managers have presented a "strawman" baseline (SB2009) to the broader ILC community at a workshop in Albuquerque and to the International Linear Collider Steering Committee's Project Advisory Committee (ILCSC PAC) at a review in Pohang, Korea last November. We have now received the report of the PAC review and I discuss some highlights of that review here.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC baseline, SB2009, strawman baseline
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