Tag archive: Sendai
Barbara Warmbein | 20 February 2014
Our mission was clear: we were the tasters, the vanguard. In early February, the two European LC communicators travelled to Japan for three days to a. find our way around the Japanese transport system, b. be filmed doing so, c. find entry points of improvement potential for foreigners about to make the same experience, and d. start a communication model for the future multi-national laboratory. Here is how it all played out.
Around the World | Tagged:
communication, Ichinoseki, Japan, Kitakami site, Oshu, Sendai
Barbara Warmbein | 3 April 2008
The TILC08 meeting in Sendai saw the first gathering of the new Accelerator Advisory Panel (AAP). Other than the yet to be established Project Advisory Committee, which will be formed following a request from the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) and will consist mainly of machine and detector experts from outside the ILC community, the AAP is an internal body, there to advise the Global Design Effort director and to give critical recommendations.
Feature | Tagged:
AAP, Accelerator Advisory Panel, Japan, Sendai, TILC08
Barbara Warmbein | 13 March 2008
At the end of a productive working day, a long journey, a hard job or a rewarding week, Japanese people have a very useful phrase that expresses everything from gratitude and pride to exhaustion: Otsukare sama deshita, or simply otsukare. Even though not all participants of last week's TILC08 meeting may be aware of the expression, all are almost certainly aware of the 'otsukare' feeling after several days of intense and rewarding parallel and plenary sessions, splinter meetings and social interaction. Here are some impressions from the meeting that did not make it onto the official agenda.
Around the World,
Slideshow | Tagged:
Japan, photo album, R&D Plan, Sendai, TILC08
Barry Barish | 13 March 2008
Last week the Global Design Effort held a major collaboration meeting at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan attended by more than 200 participants from both the ILC detector and accelerator efforts.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, R&D Plan, Sendai, TDP, Technical Design Phase
Barry Barish | 6 March 2008
The ILC community has gathered at Sendai in Japan this week for the joint Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) Physics and Detector Workshop and Global Design Effort meeting. The opening session of the meeting was highlighted by a forward-looking science talk by Hitoshi Murayama.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC physics, Japan, Sendai
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