
Category archive: Video of the week

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Why we need the ILC now #mylinearcollider

| 11 December 2014 This week we're featuring one of the 435 videos posted on the ILC Youtube channel to support the ILC project. Hasan Padamsee is a physicist at Fermilab, USA. Watch him explain why he thinks whe should build the ILC now! You too can contribute by participating in the #mylinearcollider video campaign. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: ,

They want the ILC! #mylinearcollider

| 26 November 2014 The particle physics group at IFIC in Valencia, Spain, shares its enthusiam for the ILC. You too can contribute by participating in the #mylinearcollider video campaign. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: ,

#mylinearcollider: keep them coming

16 October 2014 The #mylinearcollider campaign continues and the communicators are recording and receiving many various video messages, all in support of the linear collider. Watch a few videos if you need inspiration and, if you think that a video message is a bit too much, why not take a picture of yourself? Category: Video of the week | Tagged:

Understanding the ILC (hand-made animation inside)

| 7 November 2013 A nice hand-made animation explains why a linear collider is needed to study the Higgs particle in great detail. Enjoy the description of the ILC machine "and then BOOM... science". Category: Video of the week | Tagged: ,

2013 Nobel Prize in Physics announcement

10 October 2013 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 was awarded jointly to François Englert and Peter W. Higgs "for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider" Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , , , , ,

A guided tour around the CLIC test facility

| 26 September 2013 Ever wanted a personal tour around the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3)? Then this video is for you. You will follow and listen to Frank Tecker, responsible for CTF3 operations, who will guide you around the scaled-down version of the Compact Linear Collider acceleration principle. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , ,

Japanese candidate site for ILC will be announced on 23 August

| 22 August 2013 The site evaluation committee of Japan, set up under the Japan ILC Strategy Council, will hold a press conference on 23 August 2013, at 9:30 a.m. (Japan Standard Time) to announce the site selected as candidate site for the ILC. The press conference will be streamed live. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , ,

Higgs: the story of the beginning

| 11 July 2013 Hitoshi Murayama, Deputy Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains the Higgs (in Japanese) in a three-part video series entitled “Universe and matter – the story of the beginning.” Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , , ,

Good things come in threes

27 June 2013 The last issue of LC NewsLine featured the two summary videos from the Asian and the European Technical Design Report handover event. Today we are proud to present part three: the summary of the Americas event that took place at Fermilab and culminated in the handing over of a gift-wrapped set of the report from Barry Barish to Pier Oddone. Relive the baton toss again...and again... and again. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , ,

Worldwide video

13 June 2013 The nature of a worldwide event happening consecutively in three regions of world is that people can only attend one of the three. So when celebrations ended in Japan and started in Europe, a video of the Asian event showed the participants in Europe what had happened during the day. Likewise, when Europe handed over the Americas, a summary video showed the key moments of both the Asian and the European celebrations. Watch these videos here. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , ,