Tag archive: Asia
Rika Takahashi | 23 October 2008
From 29 to 30 September, the second Asia ILC R&D Seminar was held at Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Korea with help from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Core University Program and the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. This workshop aimed to review the progress of R&D for the ILC accelerator in Asia region, and to promote regional and inter-regional collaborations on the accelerator and active participations from individual countries to ILC, focusing on the installation schedule and preparation for commissioning.
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Asia, ATF2, Korea
Barry Barish | 23 October 2008
The ILC Global Design Effort is structured around a regional organisation, where we have regional directors, a regionally supported common fund. We rotate our more general meetings between Asian, the Americas and Europe. It is equally important that we carry out coherent regional technical programmes, and regional technical meetings are an important step in that direction.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, ATF2, CCAST workshop, China, ILC R&D seminar, Korea
28 August 2008
On 18 and 19 August, a total of 38 leading Japanese creators, including science-fiction and fantasy writers, animation movie directors, comic artists, illustrators, and photographers, visited J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Complex) in Tokai-village and KEK Tsukuba campus. This visit was coordinated by Junpei Fujimoto, a KEK scientist who is active in ILC outreach activities.
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Asia, KEK
Kaoru Yokoya | 28 August 2008
Since the establishment of Global Design Effort in 2005, I have been a member of Executive Committee as Accelerator Leader. In August 2008, I earned a new title, Asian Regional Director, taking over the job from Mitsuaki Nozaki.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, TESLA Technology Collaboration, TTC
Mitsuaki Nozaki | 29 May 2008
... if we want to promote the International Linear Collider, we need to initiate much broader campaign for physics or basic science in general.
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Asia, Asian communication network
Rika Takahashi | 2 August 2007
Every month, a lot of Asian researchers come to KEK to conduct their research or experiments. “We have had 45 visitors for fiscal year 2007 so far, including ten Korean researchers,” says Tomiko Shirakata, secretary at KEK’s Linear Collider Project Office. Shirkata is in charge of KEK’s visitors programme activities and provides all visitor supports such as arranging logistics, dealing with the consulate service for visa applications, and giving tips on how to spend days off in Japan. KEK launched the visitor programme in April 2006 aiming to facilitate the foreign researchers’ activities in Japan, especially for Asian researchers and students, who may have difficulties to conduct research overseas for some country-specific reasons.
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Asia, KEK, Korea
Mitsuaki Nozaki | 12 July 2007
Newly appointed as one of three ILC project managers, Akira Yamamoto is a scientist working at KEK specialising in superconducting magnet development.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, GDE Project Managers, KEK, project managers
Rika Takahashi | 12 July 2007
What do superconducting cavities and the beach have in common? KEK accelerator physicists can give you the answer: the crab. During the spring operation period of the KEKB accelerator, scientists successfully achieved effective electron-positron collisions in a new cavity. Called the crab cavity, it tilts each bunch sideways so that the bunches collide head-on at the interaction point. This success will allow the KEKB to boost its luminosity, which is already the world’s highest for a B-factory, to an unprecedented level. Crab cavities will also play an important role in achieving high luminosities at other machines, including the International Linear Collider (ILC), upgrades for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, as well as future synchrotron light sources.
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accelerator R&D, Asia, crab cavity
Mitsuaki Nozaki | 8 June 2006
High energy physics is a field of international collaborative efforts, both historically and today. Many non-Asian scientists from around the world are currently participating in the KEKB and neutrino experiments at KEK.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, KEK, particle physics
30 March 2006
Shin-ichi Kurokawa works actively as Chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), which together with ICFA has created and is overseeing activities of the Global Design Effort. But he also has another face: For more than ten years now, he has been building a closer relationship between accelerators within Asia. His concern is not only for the electron machines but also for proton machines, synchrotron radiation facilities, and eventually, neutron scattering facilities in Asian countries.
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