Tag archive: cavity
Leah Hesla | 7 April 2011
Fermilab and Jefferson Lab redouble efforts on hydroformed cavities through R&D and industrialisation.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity processing, cavity production, cavity testing, DESY, Fermilab, hydroforming, JLab, niobium
Leah Hesla | 26 August 2010
Achieving resonance in a scientific collaboration is no small feat, but scientists at Fermilab, DESY and KEK have come together to do exactly that: They've improved the mechanism that keeps superconducting radio frequency cavities in tune.Members of Fermilab's Technical Division and DESY staff, with financial assistance from KEK, recently built four new tuning machines that set SRF cavities to the correct frequency and alignment. More highly automated than their predecessors, the machines save time and labor and ensure greater consistency in RF cavity quality. They work by squeezing or stretching individual cells in a nine-cell cavity and allowing all of them to perform identically and impart the same acceleration to the beam.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, DESY, Fermilab, KEK, SRF technology, tuning machine
Barry Barish | 17 June 2010
Producing high gradient superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) cavities that meet our demanding performance goals, are affordable and can be produced by industry represents one of the largest challenges on the way to making a solid project proposal for the ILC. [...] Developing a worldwide capability to produce our cavities in industry represents an enormous challenge - one we need to address now.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity, industrialisation, industry, SCRF, Superconducting RF
Rika Takahashi | 11 December 2008
The inner surfaces of the niobium cavities for the International Linear Collider have to be polished to literally sparkle, since the smallest defects, such as bumps, pits, welding flaws or human-induced scratches on them are considered to be dominantly responsible for the deterioration of the cavity performance and can even lead to quenches and field emission. Many techniques and technologies have been studied and developed already to address this challenge. At the end of November, the first prototype of a new gadget developed with different approach was delivered to KEK.
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cavity, inner surface grinder
24 April 2008
A successful test of a dressed 3.9 GHz superconducting radiofrequency cavity last week put Fermilab among an elite group that can produce cutting-edge, high-powered accelerator components.
Around the World | Tagged:
3.9 GHz, cavity, cavity testing, Fermilab, horizontal test stand
Rika Takahashi | 21 February 2008
At the ILC, roughly 16,000 superconducting RF cavities made of pure niobium will accelerate electrons and positrons to the high energy of 500 GeV. Each one-metre-long cavity consists of nine cells, polished to provide micrometre-level surface smoothness and absolutely no impurities. The inside of the cavities need to literally sparkle since any surface blemishes or dust could cause them to lose their superconductivity, making them unable to sustain the electric field needed to accelerate particles. ILC scientists around the world are devoted to trying to get a higher yield rate for producing good-quality cavities by improving surface treatment methods and inspection procedures. A group of scientists from Kyoto University and KEK jointly developed the novel inspection system to take a close look at the interior surface of the cavities, and produced remarkable results.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity inspection, KEK, Kyoto camera, Kyoto University, superconducting cavity
3 May 2007
In the development of superconducting cavities for the ILC, the machine planning group (MPL) lands another success. New prototypes manufactured from a so-called niobium single crystal plate yield excellent results. The advantage of single-crystal cavities compared with standard ones made of polycrystalline niobium lies in the atomic structure of the crystal lattice.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, single-crystal niobium
22 March 2007
While it's said that opposites attract, particle physicists are taking no chances. In hopes of learning what the universe is made of, they're preparing to build a machine that will accelerate and smash together electrons and their opposites, positrons, 14,000 times every second. Like Jefferson Lab's Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF), the proposed new machine, the International Linear Collider (ILC), is being designed to use superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavity technology.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, CEBAF, JLab, SRF technology
Elizabeth Clements | 16 February 2006
On Monday, 6 February, a team of cryogenic engineers and accelerator physicists at Fermilab successfully cooled the first TESLA 9-cell 1.3 GHz cavity to 4.5 K (Kelvin) in the ILC Test Area in the Meson Detector Building (ILCTA-MDB). Travelling to Hamburg, Germany, Fermilab personnel assisted DESY in preparing the "ILC-like" cavity, called Capture Cavity II (CCII), and shipped it to its current home in Batavia, Illinois in August 2005.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity production, DESY, Fermilab
Elizabeth Clements | 20 October 2005
Four unprocessed TESLA cavities recently arrived at Fermilab for measurements and testing. The 9-cell, 1.3 Ghz cavities, manufactured by ACCEL in Germany, will be used to construct the first U.S. cryomodule for International Linear Collider R&D near the end of 2006.
Feature | Tagged:
1.3 GHz, cavity, Fermilab, TESLA
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