Tag archive: CLIC
Daisy Yuhas | 22 August 2013
The Compact Linear Collider and International Linear Collider will accelerate particles and create collisions in different ways. Nonetheless, the detector concepts under development share many commonalities.
Feature | Tagged:
calorimeter, CLIC, detector R&D, test beam, tracker, vertex detector
Juan Fuster | 30 May 2013
The European Linear Collider workshop, taking place in Hamburg from 27 to 31 May, coincides with very many important strategic processes at Japan, Europe and US, all of them nourished by the optimistic results from the LHC. Juan Fuster, chair of the workshop programme committee, explains the scientific and political context of the meeting.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, DESY, ECFA LC2013, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Higgs, ILC, TDR, worldwide event
Barbara Warmbein | 30 May 2013
On 30 May, at a special meeting hosted by the European Commission in Brussels, the CERN Council formally adopted the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. This strategy sets the course for the future of this research field in Europe, making recommendations for projects and research sectors to be pursued with priority, both the near-term and the long-term future.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN Council, CERN Council Strategy Group, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC hosting, LHC upgrade
Steinar Stapnes | 16 May 2013
The European Strategy for Particle Physics is expected to be adopted by the CERN Council end May. The physics potential of future linear colliders is well recognised in the Strategy statements. As global projects have cross-regional consequences, this strategy could have a wide impact in and beyond Europe.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC
Mike Harrison | 4 April 2013
The problems of succession to the throne have bedeviled society throughout the ages. For centuries the European approach seemed to involve bloodshed ranging from the personal to the national level. The recent transfer of power in the linear collider world might not have been violent, but it still faces the eternal question of “OK, so where do we go from here?” Here are some thoughts on the ILC programme.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, CLIC, cryomodule, Higgs factory, Technical Design Report
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 21 March 2013
Recently appointed Associate Director for Physics & Detectors in the new Linear Collider structure, Hitoshi Yamoto discusses his mandate and solicits inputs from the linear collider community.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors
Lyn Evans | 7 March 2013
On 21 February the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) handed over to the new linear collider structure. The Linear Colllider Board (LCB), chaired by Sachio Komamiya, replaces ILCSC, and the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) replaces GDE and the groups working on physics and detectors for both the ILC and CLIC. The LCC of course also includes the CLIC study. Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans looks ahead.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors, Snowmass, Technical Design Report
21 February 2013
Vancouver, 21 February 2013. The two most mature future particle physics projects, the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Compact Linear Collider study (CLIC), have formed an official organisational partnership today. As the newly founded Linear Collider Collaboration, they will coordinate and advance the global development work for the linear collider, a global project to complement the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and ultimately understand the deepest secrets of the universe.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, directorate, ICFA, ILC, Linear Collider Board, Linear Collider Collaboration
Daisy Yuhas | 21 February 2013
Today is the day the two linear collider projects ILC and CLIC officially unite in the Linear Collider Collaboration. Look forward to more CLIC-related in content in LC NewsLine in the future and get into the swing with this LCpedia entry on the CLIC acceleration technology.
LCpedia | Tagged:
acceleration, CLIC, drive beam
Barry Barish and Lyn Evans | 21 February 2013
Today represents a crossroads in the global efforts towards a linear collider. We are officially making the transition from the International Linear Collider Steering Committee and Global Design Efforts to the new Linear Collider Board and Linear Collider Collaboration that will coordinate the next phase of the global R&D towards a high-energy electron-positron collider to complement the LHC. GDE Director Barry Barish and LCC Director Lyn Evans share their vision in a joint Director’s Corner.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, GDE, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, Technical Design Report
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