Tag archive: CLIC
21 June 2012
The international effort to design the world’s next major particle collider has a new leader. On 20 May 2012, the International Committee for Future Accelerators announced the appointment of CERN's Lyn Evans as the new Linear Collider Director. Evans is the first to hold the new position, which will lead the Linear Collider organisation created to bring two existing large-scale linear collider programmes under one governance. He will be based at CERN.
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CLIC, ICFA, ILC, Linear Collider
Barry Barish | 14 June 2012
At the KILC12 workshop in Daegu, Korea, in May, there was a panel discussion on the topic of what will be required to provide scientific justification for the International Linear Collider. The panel consisted of a cross-section of workshop attendees, accelerator physicists, detector experts, theorists and even one of our communicators. The panel discussion produced areas of agreement, some differences and homework.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, Higgs boson, KILC12, LCWS11, LHC, physics case
Brian Foster | 26 April 2012
Roadmaps, like many things in life, become outdated and eventually misleading and useless. The only way to avoid this is to update them when it is clear that the landscape has, or is about to, change significantly.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, LHC, physics case
5 April 2012
While people often grasp only a fraction of the physics at stake, they easily recognise the full extent of the human undertaking. Particle-physics experiments and accelerators are, indeed, miracles of technology and major examples of worldwide co-operation and on-site teamwork.
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Barry Barish | 8 March 2012
The International Linear Collider Steering Committee, chaired by Jon Bagger, met at Oxford University on 2 February. The main order of business was to plan the future of the ILC effort, following completion of the Technical Design Report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, future, ICFA, ILC-CLIC collaboration, ILCSC, TDR
Barry Barish | 16 February 2012
There are two very different technical approaches to implementing a future TeV-scale linear collider. The International Linear Collider is based on a superconducting radiofrequency main linac, while the Compact Linear Collider uses a two-beam acceleration concept. How will this lead to a single linear collider project?
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, ILC-CLIC collaboration
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 16 February 2012
The international community of theorists and experimentalists working on ILC and CLIC is convinced of the strong physics case for a generic linear collider. More than one hundred of them gathered at DESY last week for three days of intense discussions and review of the different physics scenarios. Two papers are now under way and will be finalised by this summer. In the meantime the input from the whole particle physics community will be very welcome.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, DESY, European Strategy for Particle Physics, lc forum, physics case
Steinar Stapnes | 26 January 2012
There's a lot to be optimistic and excited about in 2012. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider results should provide guidance towards a linear collider implementation and the linear collider community is technically well prepared. The ILC technology is well developed and the Technical Design Report is under way. The CLIC technology is also moving rapidly forward: the physics and detectors volume of the Conceptual Design Report was completed just last December.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CDR, CERN, CLIC, Conceptual Design Report, European Strategy for Particle Physics, LHC, physics and detectors
Barry Barish | 19 January 2012
The Sixth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders was held from 6 to 17 November at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, US. The Global Design Effort has co-sponsored this successful school from inception and we are proud of the fact that many graduates have gone on to careers in accelerator science, including at the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, LC school, Linear Collider Accelerator School, linear collider school, muon collider
Barry Barish | 8 December 2011
The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) sponsors a meeting every three years on “Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics.” This year the ICFA seminar was held at CERN and it broadly covered plans and ideas for future facilities for our field. This meeting was particularly timely, as it coincided both with the completion of the impressive first year of running of the LHC and with the kickoff of the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics to be completed in 2013.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, future accelerators, ICFA, particle physics theory, plasma accelerators
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