Tag archive: cryomodule
Akira Yamamoto | 26 May 2011
As part of Technical Design Phase 2, the Global Design Effort has been working towards more realistic and cost-effective industrialisation models for the production of superconducting radiofrequency cavities and cryomodules, as these are primary cost drivers in the ILC construction estimate. To that end, they have been organising a series of visit to cavity and material manufacturers and workshops. The next one is in July 2011 in Chicago, US.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity, cryomodule, industrialisation, industry, SCRF, SRF2011
Leah Hesla | 9 December 2010
Years of effort by more than 100 staff members at Fermilab have led to the cooldown of Cryomodule 1 at the laboratory's SRF Accelerator Test Facility. At 11 a.m. on Nov. 22, liquid helium flowed through CM1, cooling it to 2 Kelvin (-271° C).
Around the World | Tagged:
cryomodule, Fermilab, SRF cryomodule
Marc Ross | 25 November 2009
(...) Taking all ILC cavity tests into account, a globally-based pattern of achievement and success emerges, giving confidence that we will meet or even exceed the forward looking-goal we set for ourselves at Snowmass in 2005.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity gradient, cryomodule, nine-cell cavity
Barbara Warmbein | 1 October 2009
A cryomodule prototype for the European XFEL has set the world gradient record for cryomodules built with superconducting radiofrequency technology, reaching an average accelerating gradient of more than 32 megavolts per metre (MV/m) in recent tests. This is an important step towards major goals set for the ILC’s Technical Design Phase (TDP), which include demonstrating system performance of fully fitted cryomodules like the record prototype. The accelerator module will be built into the FLASH free-electron laser at DESY, making it possible to increase the FLASH energy to 1.2 GeV. This means that even shorter wavelengths down to 4.5 nanometers will be available for experiments starting next year.
Around the World | Tagged:
cryomodule, FLASH, XFEL
7 May 2009
Fermilab scientists and engineers shipped their first successfully completed and tested 3.9 GHz superconducting module to DESY on Friday, April 24.
Around the World | Tagged:
3.9 GHz, cryomodule, Fermilab, United States
Barbara Warmbein | 8 January 2009
The majority of NewsLine readers are scientists – most of you of the experimental kind. So be honest: how often during the last few weeks, when listening to carols, plucking the strings of your old guitar that you only get out during the holidays or cringing at a dissonant brass band, did you think about the physics and the maths of music? Go to the ILCT-MDB Horizontal Test Stand at Fermilab now and you can experience a perfect third harmonic: that of a string of cavities being tested and assembled into a cryomodule.
Around the World | Tagged:
cryomodule, cryomodule string, Fermilab, horizontal test stand, United States
Barry Barish | 9 October 2008
Research and development on superconducting radiofrequency (rf) cavities, cryomodules and operational units is at the core of our programme to develop the technologies, the best possible machine design and an implementation plan for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cryomodule, KEK, plug compatibility, S1-global, SRF technology, STF, test linac
Barbara Warmbein | 14 August 2008
Good news from an experimental hall at the edge of the prairie: Fermilab's ILC test area in the 'New Muon Lab' (NML) has just taken a major step towards completion with the installation of the first cryomodule on 6 August.
Around the World | Tagged:
cryomodule, Fermilab, NML
Barbara Warmbein | 12 June 2008
Particle physicists have the reputation that they need to smash things up in order to find out what they are about. Sometimes accelerator physicists get to smash stuff up, too: a group of engineers and technicians recently crash-tested a full cryomodule. They wanted to find out what the 12-metre piece of kit would look like if somebody happened to use the beam pipe as a stepladder, drive a tunnel vehicle into a flange or decide to rip out a vacuum pump.
Around the World | Tagged:
cryomodule, DESY, FLASH, vacuum crash test, XFEL
Barbara Warmbein | 24 January 2008
At first glance a neutron source used for materials research and a planned particle accelerator to answer questions about matter, forces and the origins of the Universe might not seem to have all that much in common. At least not to the non-accelerator experts among us. At second glance, however, similarities and overlaps appear that turn the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US into a small but powerful parallel experience for the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
cryomodule, Oak Ridge Lab, SCRF test facility, SNS, United States
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