Tag archive: detailed baseline design
Ricarda Laasch | 22 July 2016
Did you know that more than 1000 superconducting radiofrequency cavities for roughly 150 cryomodules are needed for accelerator projects which are seeking approval at the moment? And it’s more than 24000 cavities if we add the ILC and the FCC. The TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting is one of the key events to attract SCRF experts from all the world The latest one was held at the beginning of the month, at CEA Saclay, France.
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CEA, detailed baseline design, European XFEL, FCC, Fermilab, ILC, KEK, LCLS II, SCRF, SRF, TESLA Technology Collaboration
Marcel Stanitzki and Andy White | 7 November 2013
The SiD detector concept held a workshop at SLAC from 14 to 16 October. This was the first workshop held since the completion of the Detailed Baseline Design document and was an opportunity to consider the next steps in detector development and organisation of the concept. The workshop agenda can be found here.
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detailed baseline design, detector R&D, SiD
24 January 2013
We invite you to sign the Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) report of the ILC detectors, which now exists as a nearly final draft. It summarises the R&D achievements of the ILC Letter-of-Intent period. The contents reflect the many contributions of very many collaborators. While this draft is undergoing minor revision following the recent review by the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) and the ILC Project Advisory Committee, it is almost in the final form. A list of signatories will be included in the report. We wish to include those who contributed already in any way or who wish to join the activity in the next stage. We also would like to include names of anyone who supports advancing further the world ILC effort.
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detailed baseline design, Technical Design Report
Sakue Yamada | 6 December 2012
The draft of the Detailed Baseline Design report (DBD) of ILC physics and detectors is complete and has been submitted to the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) of the ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC) for review. What are the technological milestones that have been achieved?
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, detector R&D, ILD, SiD, Technical Design Report
Sakue Yamada | 20 September 2012
The two volumes of the Detailed Baseline Design report, which will be published alongside the Technical Design Report, are ready in draft form. They will now be submitted to the physics and detectors’ advisory group IDAG. A lot has been accomplished in the R&D process for the ILC detectors, and it’s thanks to the community’s spirit and determination that we have achieved our milestones. We look forward to taking on the next challenge.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, IDAG, physics and detectors, Technical Design Report
Juan Fuster | 16 August 2012
The process towards an updated European Strategy for the future of particle physics is well under way. In preparation for the upcoming Strategy meeting in Kraków, Poland, several generic linear-collider documents as well as many specific to ILC or CLIC have been submitted and will be discussed in September.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, detector R&D, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Technical Design Report
Sakue Yamada | 19 January 2012
The year 2012 will be very busy and exciting. The main task for the ILC physics and detector community is to complete Detailed Baseline Design report summarising our effort since 2007. To achieve this goal, coordination between the detector groups and with the Global Design Effort is essential, and we are fulfilling this mission.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, IDAG, ILD, LHC, SiD, Technical Design Report
Michael Peskin | 17 November 2011
The ILC Detailed Baseline Design report will contain a chapter that describes the physics opportunities that the ILC will offer. The LHC is bringing us new information about particles in the ILC energy range. But what exactly is the Large Hadron Collider telling us, and what are the implications for the ILC programme? Michael Peskin encourages members of the ILC community to debate this question and contribute to the report.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, Higgs boson, LHC, physics case
Ties Behnke (DESY) and Roman Pöschl (CNRS/LAL) | 30 June 2011
With the publication of the Detailed Baseline Design Report in their sights, members of the ILD collaboration work diligently to form realisable models of their detector, ones that take into account both their physics simulations and the nuts and bolts of engineering designs.
Feature | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, ILD, LOI
Marc Weber (KIT), Georges Blanchot (CERN) and Roman Pöschl (CNRS/LAL) | 16 June 2011
Lowering power consumption is a key issue for particle physicists to solve to design the next generation of collider experiments. Detectors will measure signals recorded in millions of readout channels. Last May, the ILC-CLIC common working group for detectors organised the first workshop on power pulsing and delivery at LAL in Orsay, France.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, CNRS/LAL, detailed baseline design, detector R&D, ILC-CLIC, power pulsing, SLHC
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