Tag archive: detector R&D
Steinar Stapnes | 3 July 2014
Summer conferences are only just starting, but Steinar Stapnes, director for CLIC in the LCC, looks ahead to the linear collider autumn conference and its specific challenges for ILC as well as for CLIC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, LCWS
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 20 March 2014
Without a solid physics case, state-of-the-art detectors and well-defined infrastructures like computing and links with the machine, a linear collider would have few arguments to go by. The Linear Collider Collaboration has working groups installed that make sure that the detectors can advance towards real collaborations and that synergies between the two linear colliders are harnessed as much as possible. Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the LCC, describes the current status of the physics and detector directorate where most of the components are now up and running.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, machine detector interface, physics and detectors, physics case
Steinar Stapnes | 6 March 2014
The yearly CLIC collaboration meeting took place last month at CERN, welcoming more than 300 physicists from all over the world. After many strategy processes and deliberations, the discussions and presentations were refreshingly focused on the physics, technologies and scientific challenges for the next phase of the project. CLIC’s Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study reports.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, technology transfer
Marc Besancon (CEA/Irfu), Maxim Titov (CEA/Irfu) and Marc Winter (CNRS/IN2P3, IPHC) | 9 January 2014
The French Linear collider community organised its second “Linear Collider days” last November. The highlights of the meetings, summarised here by three of the organisers, show the diversity of the fields addressed the community and its expertise. The days ended with a special session dedicated to country reports where accelerator and detector activities in different continents were reviewed in the context of their possible future cooperation with France. It served as one of the building blocks in constructing European ILC Community.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CEA, CNRS, detector R&D, France, IN2P3
Barbara Warmbein | 5 December 2013
If physicists had it their way, detectors of the future would be powered with air. They want no material and no electronic noise to disturb their measurements. Powering by air isn’t a realistic option, so electrical engineers are tackling the challenge, putting a lot of effort into keeping noise down and material out. One of them is Cristian Fuentes at CERN. His latest project: power pulsing for the CLIC detector.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, detector R&D, power pulsing
Marcel Stanitzki and Andy White | 7 November 2013
The SiD detector concept held a workshop at SLAC from 14 to 16 October. This was the first workshop held since the completion of the Detailed Baseline Design document and was an opportunity to consider the next steps in detector development and organisation of the concept. The workshop agenda can be found here.
Feature | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, detector R&D, SiD
Steinar Stapnes | 7 November 2013
As the worldwide linear collider community comes together during the LCWS 2013 meeting in Tokyo next week, the CLIC collaboration has already started to plan their next major event, the 2014 CLIC workshop at CERN from 3 to 7 February. Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study, reports.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CERN, CLIC, detector R&D
Barbara Warmbein | 10 October 2013
After publishing the physics and detector chapters for the CLIC Conceptual Design Report organised only through working groups on various different study topics and detector R&D projects, the CLIC physics and detector community has spent the last months putting a new organisation in place: the CLIC detector and physics study. So far, 19 institutes have joined the study that is hosted at CERN. Frank Simon, MPI Munich, was elected as the chair of the Institute Board and Lucie Linssen as the first spokesperson. At their meeting at CERN last week, some 50 representatives from the various institutes met at CERN to discuss progress on physics simulations and detector development.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, detector R&D
Daisy Yuhas | 22 August 2013
The Compact Linear Collider and International Linear Collider will accelerate particles and create collisions in different ways. Nonetheless, the detector concepts under development share many commonalities.
Feature | Tagged:
calorimeter, CLIC, detector R&D, test beam, tracker, vertex detector
25 July 2013
Three detector R&D collaborations working on tomorrow's pixel detectors for charged particles joined forces in a combined test in a beam of particles. With the successful read-out of the three devices in a single data acquisition, they reach another milestone of the EU-sponsored AIDA Project. Work continues towards a more versatile telescope infrastructure to be made available to a broad user community.
Around the World | Tagged:
AIDA, beam telescope, DEPFET, detector R&D, EUDET telescope, test beam
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