Tag archive: DOE
Rika Takahashi | 22 February 2024
What will the future of particle physics in the US look like? That’s the question the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) tried to answer in its report that was released in December after a long process of meetings, deliberations and editing. The ILC community is very familiar with the chair of this panel: Hitoshi Murayama, the former Research Director and chair of Physics and Detectors in the ILC International Development Team. NewsLine interviewed him about what the report meant for the ILC.
Feature | Tagged:
DOE, ILC, P5, report, USA
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 22 September 2016
There’s a fitting phrase for the funding landscape of international high-energy physics projects: “It’s complicated.” Hitoshi Yamamoto, Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration, describes the various sources of financial support, especially for developing future detectors, and where all of them stand. His advice: use all the opportunities there are.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AIDA-2020, detector R&D, DOE, E-JADE, funding agencies, JSPS, MEXT
Harry Weerts | 11 August 2016
The mandate of the current LCC structure ends at the end of 2016 and ICFA has now put a revised structure in place. There has also been a change in the way the US supports ILC activities. Harry Weerts, current regional director for the Americas, describes these changes and how they will affect ILC activities.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, DOE, Fermilab, ICFA, ICHEP, ILC, Japan, KEK, LCB, LCC, MEXT, superconducting cavity, United States
Image: Argonne, Mark Lopez | 12 May 2016
Fermilab, SLAC, JLab, Brookhaven, Argonne... these are all major players in particle physics and accelerator R&D. They are also the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) "national labs". All national research labs came to Washington, D.C. on 20 April to show their work to members of Congress and other visitors. Pictured is Dick Durbin, Illinois senator, giving his address. DOE has 17 national laboratories that address a variety of scientific and technological challenges to energy, environmental and national security. The laboratories employ more than 30,000 scientists, engineers and support staff in 19 states, and operate major scientific facilities for the benefit of the nation’s research and development community.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Argonne, Brookhaven, DOE, Fermilab, JLab, SLAC
Harry Weerts | 14 April 2016
The US and Japan work together on a long list of projects in high-energy physics, from current experiments to future plans. At an annual meeting of the “Joint Committee” in Japan, four new projects were added to the list of joint activities, and Harry Weerts, regional director for the Americas, reports that he sees progress on ILC work in Japan, but that US authorities are waiting for a sign from their Japanese counterparts before the project can go ahead.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, detector R&D, DOE, Japan, KEK, MEXT, US
Barry Barish | 20 August 2015
As is appropriate for an anniversary issue, this week's Director's Corner is authored by Barry Barish, who led the project from its conception in 2005 through major milestones up to the publication of the Technical Design report in 2013 and the formation of the Linear Collider Collaboration. He looks back at past achievements and advises the linear community to remain very, very patient.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, interim report, LCC, MEXT, RDR, SCRF, siting, Snowmass, TDR
Harry Weerts | 11 June 2015
Japanese and US officials as well as representatives from the physics community met in Washington, D.C. to discuss how Japan and the US can work together toward the realisation of the ILC. Americas Regional Director Harry Weerts reports.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
caucus, DOE, HEPAP, Japan, JSPS, MEXT
Rika Takahashi | 11 June 2015
Right after the Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW) 2015 and ILC Tokyo Event, another big milestone for the ILC happened in the United States. From 26 to 30 April, three members of the Diet and members of Japan’s Federation of Diet Members for Promotion of the ILC, Takeo Kawamura, Ryu Shionoya and Shun-ichi Suzuki visited Washington D.C., to meet with their American counterparts to discuss the ILC.
Feature | Tagged:
AAA, DOE, Hudson Institute, Japan, MEXT, US
5 June 2014
Thanks to science, we get more for less. We get more features on a newer car model, more data and information stored on a computer, and all for the same or lowered cost. That same principle applies to accelerator R&D, where improving the performance and lowering the cost can help open doors to new ideas. The Department of Energy recently named Fermilab physicist and 2013 Peoples Fellow Anna Grassellino as a recipient of the prestigious Early Career Research Award for her work to develop particle accelerator cavities that have improved performance and are less expensive to operate.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, DOE, SCRF, superconducting cavity
22 May 2014
The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel’s report, released today, recommends a strategic path forward for US particle physics, reports Kathryn Jepsen in symmetry magazine.
Around the World | Tagged:
DOE, HEPAP, High Energy Physics, P5 report, US strategy
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