Tag archive: Japan
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 24 July 2014
Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors, explains how the Linear Collider Collaboration contributes to delivering objective, detailed and correct information about the ILC physics case and the ILC detectors to the Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC TDR, Japan, LCB, MEXT, physics and detectors
Nobuko Kobayashi | 19 June 2014
The world’s smallest ever beam size of 55 nanometres was achieved by the ATF2 facility at KEK, reported Nobuhiro Terunuma at the AWLC workshop held at Fermilab. And what is more, the results are reproducible, which means that for the ILC, a recovery after a short break would be no issue.
Feature | Tagged:
ATF2, AWLC2014, final focus, Japan, KEK, reference design
Rika Takahashi | 5 June 2014
The expert panel to discuss whether to invite the International Linear Collider to Japan held its first meeting in Tokyo last week. The 17 experts reviewed the challenges pointed out in the recommendation submitted by the committee under the Science Council of Japan last summer, which pointed out the issues to be clarified for a decision to host the ILC in Japan. Their final report to Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will be prepared in the fiscal year 2015.
Around the World | Tagged:
ILC site, Japan, MEXT
Akira Yamamoto | 5 June 2014
Regional Director Akira Yamamoto reports from the Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders (AWLC) 2014 held last month at Fermilab, US. A new official structure gives weight to contributions from scientists who used to juggle linear collider work and their projects “at home”, and in general he observes that big progress is common when a technology hasn’t reached a certain stage of maturity, but once it has, the steps become smaller, but almost more important.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF2, cavity gradient, Fermilab, Japan
Rika Takahashi | 6 March 2014
Sixteen thousand – that’s the number of the superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) accelerating cavities needed to build the 500-Giga-electronvolt linear collider. The fabrications of these 16 000 cavities will be divided between the three regions of Europe, the Americas, and Asia. This week, encouraging news about SCRF cavity fabrication came from Asia.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity gradient, China, industrialisation, Japan, SCRF
Barbara Warmbein | 20 February 2014
Our mission was clear: we were the tasters, the vanguard. In early February, the two European LC communicators travelled to Japan for three days to a. find our way around the Japanese transport system, b. be filmed doing so, c. find entry points of improvement potential for foreigners about to make the same experience, and d. start a communication model for the future multi-national laboratory. Here is how it all played out.
Around the World | Tagged:
communication, Ichinoseki, Japan, Kitakami site, Oshu, Sendai
Rika Takahashi | 6 February 2014
With the creation of a new ILC Planning Office this week at KEK, the Japanese high-energy physics community is taking another big step towards making the ILC a reality in Japan. It is the pre-step for forming an international organisation, which KEK Director General Atsuto Suzuki would like to establish.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC governance, ILC Planning Office, international collaboration, Japan, KEK, R&D
Image: CERN | 23 January 2014
One hundred metres under Swiss roads and fields, Yoshitaka Sakurada, Senior Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, was pleased to discover the Japanese flag proudly displayed on an inner triplet magnet, one of the Japanese contributions to the Large Hadron Collider LHC at CERN. Guided in the LHC by LCC Director Lyn Evans and Asian Regional Director Akira Yamamoto, Sakurada and his team visited the tunnel and the ATLAS experiment, two examples of how international collaborations can achieve great things for science.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, international collaboration, Japan, LHC
Daisy Yuhas | 23 January 2014
Isn't it a bad idea to build a high-tech high-precision particle accelerators machine in a country that is regularly shaken by earthquakes? Won't the machine have to be rebuilt from scratch when it all starts to move? LC NewsLine investigates what the various teams are doing to prepare the machine for a big shake and finds that granite can also serve as a kind of bubble wrap. "Shaken as one, restored as one" is the catchphrase.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, earthquake, ILC site, Japan
Hitoshi Murayama | 23 January 2014
We were all holding our breaths to see the Japanese government making an official move towards hosting the ILC. A small but significant move happened as a Christmas present with the release of the government budget proposal for the Japanese Fiscal Year 2014 which includes an official budget line for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
budget, government, ILC site, international collaboration, Japan, R&D
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