Tag archive: LHC upgrade
Barbara Warmbein | 22 January 2015
Good news for detector developers in Europe: the AIDA-2020 proposal to the European Commission has been selected to be funded as part of the Horizon 2020 programme. This means that future projects needing state-of-the-art particle detectors like the Large Hadron Collider upgrade and the linear collider will receive a total of ten million euros funding over the next four years. Thirty-eight participants from all across Europe take part in AIDA2020, including CERN as coordinating institute, making it the largest European detector R&D project.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, DESY, detector R&D, European Union, gaseous detectors, LHC upgrade, Linear Collider, microelectronics, software
26 November 2014
CERN and the Japanese high-energy accelerator research laboratory KEK have a long history of collaboration. An agreement signed at KEK on 21 November puts this on even firmer ground: both labs will establish CERN-KEK offices to increase the collaborative effort on accelerator R&D and construction projects of mutual interest.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF, ATF2, CERN, CLIC, FCC, ILC, J-PARC, KEK, LHC upgrade
19 December 2013
CRISP, the "Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics" is a European-funded project and one of its objectives is to upgrade and harmonise the SRF Accelerator Structures for ESS, ILC, LHC upgrade and the European XFEL. The activity supports an optimised surface treatment, the application of advanced test and preparation infrastructure as well as state-of-the-art diagnostics tools. Significant focus is laid on the knowledge transfer between ESS, CERN and DESY. Read more in Accelerating News Winter 2013 issue
Around the World | Tagged:
Europe, European XFEL, FP7, LHC upgrade, superconducting cavity, Superconducting RF Test Facility
Barbara Warmbein | 30 May 2013
On 30 May, at a special meeting hosted by the European Commission in Brussels, the CERN Council formally adopted the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. This strategy sets the course for the future of this research field in Europe, making recommendations for projects and research sectors to be pursued with priority, both the near-term and the long-term future.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN Council, CERN Council Strategy Group, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC hosting, LHC upgrade
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