Tag archive: LHC
Image: CERN | 16 April 2015
6.5 TeV in a circulating beam! Since the LHC's restart on 5 April after its log shutdown, operations have gone smoothly in the world's most powerful particle accelerator. Since 10 April, the machine is holder of a new energy record (breaking the record it set itself), accelerating proton beams up to 6.5 TeV. According to CERN, the operators are now taking a 'softly, softly' approach, increasing little by little the number of bunches in the beams.They expect first low-energy collision in the coming weeks and the greatly-expected 13-TeV collisions sometime in June. Video: relive the LHC restart | Read more about the record
Image of the week | Tagged:
LHC, particle collisions, restart
Barbara Warmbein | 19 March 2015
The Large Hadron Collider is about to start up again as an almost new machine and almost twice the previous collision energy. With first beams possibly circulating by the end of the month and first collisions expected for the beginning of summer, physicists around the world cannot wait to see what the collisions of Run 2 will reveal. Will there be first signs of supersymmetry, a possible key to the as yet locked dark universe? What will the properties of the Higgs boson reveal? Will there be unexpected peaks in the data? And how do these results translate to the ILC? LC NewsLine speaks to two theoretical physicists.
Feature | Tagged:
dark matter, extra forces, FCC, gluino, Higgs, ILC, LHC, QCD, supersymmetry, Z'
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 19 March 2015
The physics case of the ILC boils down to three main points, says Hitoshi Yamamoto, Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration. A physics case is a scientific justification based on studies and theory. And while the case for the linear collider has been made many times, the LC physics community thinks that it is now much clearer.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CepC, FCC, Higgs, ILC, LHC, physics case, TDR
Barbara Warmbein | 5 March 2015
There’s a piece of linear collider detector technology that is getting ready to take real collision data. The linear collider may be at planning stage, but right in the middle of the CMS detector, a luminometer based on work done for the forward region of the ILC’s ILD detector is very much a working piece of kit. It will measure the luminosity in CMS, ie the rate of collisions that the LHC produces per second, and the beam-induced background.
Feature | Tagged:
AIDA2020, ASIC, detector R&D, FCAL, ILC, LHC, luminosity
19 February 2015
Two years after the team in the CERN Control Centre switched off the beams in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on 14 February 2013 the LHC is set to start up again at the end of March. Hundreds of engineers and technicians have been repairing and strengthening the laboratory's accelerators and experiments in preparation for running the LHC at the higher energy. So what has the work achieved?
Feature | Tagged:
Barbara Warmbein | 19 February 2015
The CMS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider is very much a detector at work. It co-found the Higgs particle in 2012 and, although still in Lang-Shutdown-1 mode, it's ready for the second LHC run. In it: a piece of linear collider technology. Stay tuned for the whole story in a future issue of LC NewsLine.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CMS, detector R&D, LHC, LS1
Mike Harrison | 8 January 2015
For the ILC, 2014 was a year of progress in many areas, but the most important activities were centred in Japan, where Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has started deliberations to evaluate the physics justification as well as the scope and cost of the project. The past year also featured nice results from the ATF2 facility in Japan and the XFEL in Europe. Mike Harrison, associate director for the International Linear Collider in the Linear Collider Collaboration, didn’t avoid the temptation to look back before looking ahead to 2015.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF2, change control board, detector R&D, European XFEL, Japan, Kitakami site, LHC, MDI, MEXT
Harry Weerts | 13 November 2014
The recent ICFA seminar addressed many topics and chartered the future physics landscape to fine and, if in the further future, less fine detail, says Harry Weerts, Americas Regional Director for the Linear Collider Collaboration. But he thinks one important thing is lacking: a mechanism on how to achieve consensus on what constitutes the global programme for particle physics in the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CepC, CLIC, FCC, global strategy, ICFA, ILC, LHC, P5
Joykrit Mitra | 30 October 2014
The Large Hadron Collider, the collider that helped find the Higgs particle, will resume operations again in a few months. Scientists will dig deeper into the properties of the Higgs particle. How can the ILC help? By studying how it couples to light particles, for example, and measuring its lifetime, say theorists.
Feature | Tagged:
Higgs, ILC, LHC
3 July 2014
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world, has started to get ready for its second three-year run. Cool down of the vast machine has already begun in preparation for research to resume early in 2015 following a long technical stop to prepare the machine for running at almost double the energy of run 1. The last LHC magnet interconnection was closed on 18 June 2014 and one sector of 1/8 of the machine has already been cooled to operating temperature. The accelerator chain that supplies the LHC’s particle beams is currently starting up, with beam in the proton synchrotron accelerator last Wednesday for the first time since 2012.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator, CERN, LHC, LS1
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