Tag archive: Linear Collider Collaboration
Lyn Evans | 8 December 2016
As many of you will have heard by now, the Linear Collider Collaboration was given another three-year mandate by the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA). It took the opportunity to streamline management a little, so from January we will run the collaboration in a smaller and slightly changed team. Let me introduce the new and old management to you.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, ICFA, ILC, LCWS2016, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors
8 December 2016
A new management team will lead the Linear Collider Collaboration from January 2017. The members of this team were announced in Morioka, Japan, on Tuesday 6 December at the 2016 Linear Collider Workshop. The term of office for this new team is three years.
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LCWS2016, Linear Collider Collaboration
Hitoshi Murayama | 18 April 2013
On 27 March, LCC Director Lyn Evans paid a courtesy visit to Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who said a linear collider was a dream for humankind. Deputy Director Hitoshi Murayama also attended the meeting and explains why this moment was very special for him.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, Linear Collider Collaboration, siting, technology transfer
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 21 March 2013
Recently appointed Associate Director for Physics & Detectors in the new Linear Collider structure, Hitoshi Yamoto discusses his mandate and solicits inputs from the linear collider community.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors
Lyn Evans | 7 March 2013
On 21 February the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) handed over to the new linear collider structure. The Linear Colllider Board (LCB), chaired by Sachio Komamiya, replaces ILCSC, and the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) replaces GDE and the groups working on physics and detectors for both the ILC and CLIC. The LCC of course also includes the CLIC study. Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans looks ahead.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors, Snowmass, Technical Design Report
Barbara Warmbein | 7 March 2013
[caption id="attachment_26218" align="alignleft" width="300"] Image by Marcello Pavan, TRIUMF[/caption] According to Linear Collider Deputy Director Hitoshi Murayama, the Large Hadron Collider is a collider of cherry pies, with lots of cherries, pastry and cream flying off in all directions, while what scientists are really after is the collision of two cherry seeds. The ILC and CLIC, by contrast, are colliders of cherry seeds, he explained at a press conference at TRIUMF laboratory in Vancouver to mark the beginning of the Linear Collider Collaboration. "Throwing two cherry seeds at each other is difficult, but you can see clearly what's going on - and for the ILC that is similar to what happened in the early Universe," he said when asked about the fundamental differences between LHC and the linear collider. Detector Director Hitoshi Yamamoto added that once the LHC discovered the Higgs, "at the ILC we can do in a day” with the Higgs what it would take the LHC several years to accomplish. Linear Collider Board chair Sachio Komamiya estimated that some 80 to 90 percent of collisions at the ILC would feature the Higgs, making it easy to fund and study in detail. Barry Barish made the new value estimate for the ILC public at the conference. Watch the video of the press conference - in both English and Japanese - here.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ILC, LHC, Linear Collider Collaboration, press conference
21 February 2013
Vancouver, 21 February 2013. The two most mature future particle physics projects, the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Compact Linear Collider study (CLIC), have formed an official organisational partnership today. As the newly founded Linear Collider Collaboration, they will coordinate and advance the global development work for the linear collider, a global project to complement the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and ultimately understand the deepest secrets of the universe.
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CLIC, directorate, ICFA, ILC, Linear Collider Board, Linear Collider Collaboration
Barry Barish and Lyn Evans | 21 February 2013
Today represents a crossroads in the global efforts towards a linear collider. We are officially making the transition from the International Linear Collider Steering Committee and Global Design Efforts to the new Linear Collider Board and Linear Collider Collaboration that will coordinate the next phase of the global R&D towards a high-energy electron-positron collider to complement the LHC. GDE Director Barry Barish and LCC Director Lyn Evans share their vision in a joint Director’s Corner.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, GDE, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, Technical Design Report
Ewan Paterson | 24 January 2013
Ewan Paterson, member of the Global Design Effort Executive Committee, weighs the options that new year, new collaboration and TechnicalDesign Report bring. Will 2013 be the year of the "What if"?
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity gradient, Linear Collider Collaboration, staged approach, Technical Design Report
10 January 2013
[caption id="attachment_25486" align="alignright" width="300"] Sachio Komamiya of the University of Tokyo appointed as a chair of the new Linear Collider Board , which will promote and oversee the development of a linear collider and its detectors as a world-wide collaborative project.[/caption] Pier Oddone, the Chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) announced yesterday the membership of the new Linear Collider Board (LCB), which as a sub-panel of ICFA will promote and oversee the development of a linear collider and its detectors as a world-wide collaborative project. The recently appointed Linear Collider Director, Lyn Evans, will report to the LCB. The LCB member are: Chair - Sachio Komamiya (University of Tokyo) Americas - Jonathan Bagger (Johns Hopkins University) - The Fermilab Director (currently Pier Oddone) - David MacFarlane (SLAC) - Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) - Hugh Montgomery (Jefferson Lab) Asia - Jie Gao (IHEP, Beijing) - Rohini Godbole (Indian Institute of Science) - Sunkee Kim (RISP) - Atsuto Suzuki (KEK) - Yifang Wang (IHEP, Beijing) Europe - The CERN Director-General (currently Rolf Heuer) - The DESY Director of Particle Physics (currently Joachim Mnich) - Francois Le Diberder (IN2P3) - The JINR Director (currently Victor Matveev) - Lenny Rivkin (PSI)
Feature | Tagged:
ICFA, Linear Collider Board, Linear Collider Collaboration
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