Tag archive: machine detector interface
Mike Harrison | 26 May 2016
The ILC’s central region – the bits of accelerator and other technology around the point where particles will collide – will get special attention at the upcoming ECFA Linear Collider Workshop in Santander, Spain. But changes to the design, civil engineering issues and detector topics also feature on the agenda. ILC Director Mike Harrison looks forward to seeing his colleagues face to face, rather than by video.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, central region, change control board, civil engineering, ECFA, ILC, machine detector interface, Spain, workshop
Mike Harrison | 4 September 2014
The next big linear collider meeting, LWS14, will take place in Serbia next month. Mike Harrison, Associate Director for the International Linear Collider, explains how this gathering will be key for the ILC project to discuss cross-cutting issues between the accelerator and detector communities and the workshop will emphasise on site-specific design. It should provide the forum to allow a final review by all the interested parties before adopting the new design into the ILC baseline.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities and siting, LCWS, machine detector interface, MDI, tunnel design
Stephanie Hills, STFC's UK Communications and Innovation Officer | 1 May 2014
The CLIC accelerator collaboration has elected a new spokesperson. Phil Burrows of the University of Oxford succeeds Roberto Corsini of CERN. Over the next three years, Burrows will be engaging with the institutes that are members of CLIC and helping to ensure that CLIC’s R&D programme pushes ahead during the critical phase ahead of the next update of the European strategy for particle physics. Corsini will continue his technical leadership of CLIC/CTF3.
Around the World | Tagged:
ATF2, CLIC, CTF3, fast feedback, feed forward, machine detector interface
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 20 March 2014
Without a solid physics case, state-of-the-art detectors and well-defined infrastructures like computing and links with the machine, a linear collider would have few arguments to go by. The Linear Collider Collaboration has working groups installed that make sure that the detectors can advance towards real collaborations and that synergies between the two linear colliders are harnessed as much as possible. Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the LCC, describes the current status of the physics and detector directorate where most of the components are now up and running.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, machine detector interface, physics and detectors, physics case
2 May 2013
Electrons are once again streaming into SLAC's historic End Station A, setting the stage for a new user facility in the huge, concrete hall where the first evidence for quarks was discovered. Fed by billion-particle bunches of high-energy electrons diverted from the linear accelerator supply to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), the new beamline, called the End Station Test Beam (ESTB), will initially host three types of experiments: General beam physics and machine-detector interface studies for the proposed International Linear Collider and Compact Linear Collider, radiation hardness tests on detector components and R&D for high-energy physics detectors, which will use secondary particles created when the main beam hits a target.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam diagnostic, machine detector interface, SLAC, test beam
Karsten Büßer | 19 April 2012
The ILC detectors have found a home - at least on paper and if they are not to be built in a mountainous region. The process of designing the caverns for the ILC's future detectors centres on optimising space usage and making the system as efficient as possible.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
CAD, CFS, ILC detectors, machine detector interface, Technical Design Report
Leah Hesla | 23 June 2011
Linear collider collaborators are on board with the use of two platforms to move the ILC’s two colossal detectors in and out of the particle beamline. Now they work to design them so the detectors' rides are as smooth as possible.
Feature | Tagged:
CFS, detector R&D, ILD, machine detector interface, SiD
Barbara Warmbein | 13 September 2007
Alain Hervé already has the experience of building two enormous detectors under his belt, and it looks like he is going to help in a third one. Technical coordinator at CERN of both L3 at LEP and CMS at the LHC, the Breton has now been called as an expert to help in the interaction region design, cavern and detector assembly planning for the ILC and its detectors. He is taking part in preparatory phone conferences for the IRENG workshop and co-convenes Work Group A that looks at how to design, install and open experiments.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, CMS, LHC, machine detector interface
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