Tag archive: management
Brian Foster | 8 September 2016
Among the LCC collaboration changes that will be put in place as of January 2017 will be the abolition of the Regional Directors. In this week’s corner, Brian Foster, soon-to-be former-European Director, explains what he has learned in 14 years of dedication towards managing the linear collider project, and gives some advice for the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost, European XFEL, GDE, management, RDR, site decision, TDR
Nina Laskowski | 23 June 2016
The International Large Detector (ILD) is one of two detector concepts which are under study for the International Linear Collider. ILD started about ten years ago with the merger of two different concept groups. The concept group developed a detector design which was documented in the ILC’s Technical Design Report TDR. Over the past few months ILD has given itself a new structure, to address the future challenges of the ILC project.
Feature | Tagged:
detector R&D, ILD, management, TDR
Brian Foster | 28 April 2016
The Linear Collider Collaboration comes to the end of its mandate at the end of this year. A working group made up of lab directors from Europe, the US and Japan is looking at options for a new management structure, and in his corner, European Regional Director Brian Foster gives some (unsolicited) advice.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICFA, LCC, management
Barry Barish | 21 June 2012
ICFA announced yesterday that Lyn Evans will become the new Linear Collider Director, when the Global Design Effort (GDE) completes the ILC Technical Design Report and thereby its mandate next year. This is very welcome news! Not only is Lyn a superb and exceptionally well-qualified candidate for the job, but his early appointment will give us the opportunity to make a smooth transition.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, GDE, ILC, Linear Collider, management, organisation
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