Tag archive: SiD
1 March 2018
Mark Thomson, professor for Experimental Particle physics at the University of Cambridge, will lead the UK's Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC from 1 April 2018. Thomson is an expert for particle flow calorimetry and detector development for future colliders like ILC and CLIC and is currently co-spokesperson for the DUNE collaboration.
Around the World | Tagged:
Cambridge, detector R&D, ILD, SiD, STFC, UK
Jan Strube, PNNL | 20 October 2016
SiD, one of the two planned detectors for the ILC, decided at the end of last year to change their simulation and reconstruction framework. At a recent meeting at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the US the optimisation group got their heads round simulations, detector and physics studies in the new software framework. This is an important step towards SiD's technical design report.
Feature | Tagged:
detector R&D, PNNL, reconstruction, SiD, simulation, software
Ricarda Laasch | 11 August 2016
High Energy Physics (HEP) has always been a field with great discoveries and the field seems to be ‘storming’ forward as some attendees of this ICHEP declared. Not only new LHC results were the center point of this conference but also the discovery of gravitational waves, new neutrino measurements and of course future facilities like the ILC and CLIC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, cavity, CLIC, detector R&D, ICHEP, ILC, ILD, Japan, LHC, SCRF, SiD, United States
Joykrit Mitra | 18 September 2014
The ILC project has witnessed some ups and downs in the past decade. The story told through the career of a physicist involved with ILC detector research and development who experienced it directly, from his days as a graduate student till now, as a researcher in Japan.
Profile | Tagged:
detector R&D, ILC, SiD
Images: KEK and Rika Takahashi | 4 September 2014
It's meeting season in North Japan: a series of workshops held in Ichinoseki as well as in Tokyo brings together linear-collider scientists from all sorts of backgrounds: polarisation, particle sources, detector design, physics studies, and, coming up, machine-detector interface and civil engineering.
Image of the week | Tagged:
detector R&D, Iwate Prefecture, polarisation, PosiPol, positron source, SiD
Marcel Stanitzki and Andy White | 7 November 2013
The SiD detector concept held a workshop at SLAC from 14 to 16 October. This was the first workshop held since the completion of the Detailed Baseline Design document and was an opportunity to consider the next steps in detector development and organisation of the concept. The workshop agenda can be found here.
Feature | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, detector R&D, SiD
Julianne Wyrick | 11 July 2013
Researchers are taking a step towards the realisation of the International Linear Collider’s (ILC) SiD detector with a test beam of a SiD-specific electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) planned for this month at SLAC.
Around the World | Tagged:
detector R&D, electromagnetic calorimeter, SiD, SLAC, test beam
Barbara Warmbein | 21 February 2013
There is a change at the helm of SiD, one of the two detector concepts for the ILC. After John Jaros and Harry Weerts have pushed SiD the LOI, the validation of SiD as one of two ILC detector concepts and collaboration in the CLIC CDR, the time is right for two new spokesmen to take over. These are Andy White and Marcel Stanitzki, whose role now is to strengthen the SiD detector concept and attract new collaborators from all the regions and and continue to develop and improve the SiD concept.
Image of the week | Tagged:
detectors, SiD
Sakue Yamada | 6 December 2012
The draft of the Detailed Baseline Design report (DBD) of ILC physics and detectors is complete and has been submitted to the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) of the ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC) for review. What are the technological milestones that have been achieved?
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, detector R&D, ILD, SiD, Technical Design Report
Barbara Warmbein | 5 July 2012
The LHC experiments are definitely homing in on a Higgs boson in a mass region somewhere around 126 GeV. Further studies and more data from the LHC will tell us more about what it is that they have found, but only a linear collider will be able to tell without prejudice whether it’s a Standard Model Higgs (or not) and determine its mass with a precision down to about 60 MeV. Here’s how.
Feature | Tagged:
decay mode, Higgs, ILC, ILD, LHC, particle flow, SiD
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