Tag archive: SiD
Barbara Warmbein | 10 May 2012
Five shafts, pacmen shields and moving platforms: the design for the hall in which the ILC detectors will sit, be pushed and pulled, record data, get upgrades and maintenance is now final, at least for an ILC that is not built underneath mountains.
Feature | Tagged:
cavern, CFS, detector R&D, ILD, interaction region, SiD
Sakue Yamada | 19 January 2012
The year 2012 will be very busy and exciting. The main task for the ILC physics and detector community is to complete Detailed Baseline Design report summarising our effort since 2007. To achieve this goal, coordination between the detector groups and with the Global Design Effort is essential, and we are fulfilling this mission.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, IDAG, ILD, LHC, SiD, Technical Design Report
Leah Hesla | 23 June 2011
Linear collider collaborators are on board with the use of two platforms to move the ILC’s two colossal detectors in and out of the particle beamline. Now they work to design them so the detectors' rides are as smooth as possible.
Feature | Tagged:
CFS, detector R&D, ILD, machine detector interface, SiD
Sakue Yamada | 19 May 2011
Costing the two ILC detectors more precisely is one of the important activities for the ongoing ILC detector design work, and balancing detector cost and performance depends on the strategy of the detector groups. To learn whether there are differences among them, the groups undertake detailed coordination of their costing methodologies.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
cost, IDAG, ILD, SiD
Jim Brau | 16 December 2010
The SiD (Silicon Detector) Collaboration met in a workshop at the University of Oregon in Eugene from 15-17 November to review progress, discuss plans, and further organise its effort for the Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) report due at the end of 2012. -- Jim Brau and Andy White for SiD
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, SiD
Sakue Yamada | 18 February 2010
In my report of last December, I wrote about detector activities in the new phase after validation. One of them was the effort of the two detector groups, ILD and SiD, to make the work plans towards their detailed baseline design aimed to be ready in 2012. -- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detector, ILD, SiD
Barbara Warmbein | 17 September 2009
ILD and SiD, two of the three detector concepts that submitted Letters of Intent, have been recommended for validation to Research Director Sakue Yamada by the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG), chaired by Michel Davier. At their recent meeting in Hamburg, the ILC's Steering Committee endorsed the IDAG recommendations. This means that the R&D collaborations working on detector technologies and prototypes for the two ILC detector concepts ILD, the International Large Detector concept, and SiD, the Silicon Detector Design Study, will continue under full steam in their work towards the best design for detectors to understand collisions at the future ILC. The third detector concept that submitted an LOI, called '4th', was not validated. However, IDAG recommended that R&D on dual readout calorimetry done for 4th in a collaboration of many institutes should be supported in view of its potential for higher energy colliders.
Feature | Tagged:
18 June 2009
Nearly every one of the myriad complex components of the International Linear Collider pushes the limits of today's technology, and for the ILC to succeed, each one of them has to work as designed. Researchers at the University of California, Davis (US) are concentrating on the interconnects – the connections between arrays of electronic circuit elements – in the ILC's proposed Silicon Detector Design Study (SiD) concept detector. The group is applying new technologies and advanced materials to improve the performance, efficiency, ease of assembly and robustness of these critical detector components.
Around the World | Tagged:
SiD, silicon-tungsten, SiW, UC Davis
Barry Barish | 14 May 2009
Compared to most accelerators, the ILC will have a much more intimate and complex set of interfaces between the machine and the detectors (MDI).
Director's Corner | Tagged:
4th concept, detector concepts, ILD, letter of intent, LOI, SiD
19 March 2009
A Silicon Detector (SiD) workshop was held at SLAC from 2 to 4 March, with the express purpose of reviewing the status of the SiD Letter of Intent, organising the final steps in its completion, and beginning to think of life after the LOI.
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