Tag archive: SLAC
18 October 2012
SLAC's YouTube channel has more on klystrons, and of course the legendary klystron gallery. In a video about SLAC's Vacuum Microwave Device Department (VMDD), introduces itself as those people who build the devices that make SLAC's particle accelerators go: klystrons. These devices generate intense waves of microwave energy that rocket subatomic particles up to nearly the speed of light. Department head Andy Haase takes us behind the scenes where klystrons are born. These devices are developed, designed and fabricated by teams of physicists, engineers and technicians in coordination across several departments within SLAC's Accelerator Directorate. Check out the AD website
Video of the week | Tagged:
klystron, RF power, SLAC
Barry Barish | 13 September 2012
SLAC has had a remarkable first 50 years, which were celebrated in a special event this past month. Although the theme of that event focused on the next 50 years, the achievements of the past inform the future plans and prospects. In that regard, the physics achievements of SLAC were duly noted at the event because the American Physical Society named it an APS Historic Site and awarded the lab a plaque.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
anniversary, APS, SLAC, SLC
Video: SLAC Multimedia Team / Matt Beardsley | 5 April 2012
SLAC's new time-lapse videos, ranging from 13 to 72 seconds in length, show various sped-up scenes around the lab: clouds rolling above the klystron gallery, scientists keeping busy in the Main Control Center, and, shown here, a zipping tour of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). Fly from one end of LCLS to the other in a lightning-quick 72 seconds to see how much fun it can be.
Video of the week | Tagged:
Leah Hesla | 15 March 2012
The newest incarnation of the SLAC P2 Marx modulator is designed to be more versatile and robust than its predecessor. Having prepped it for reliability, scientists will soon put the modulator's mettle to the test.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, marx modulator, power pulsing, radiofrequency power, SLAC
11 August 2011
How can a low-energy experiment like SLAC’s PEP II B Factory, originally built to investigate differences between matter and antimatter and no longer even taking data, compete with a monster matter masher like the LHC that was built, in a large part, to find the Higgs?
Feature | Tagged:
EPS-HEP2011, Higgs boson, PEP II, SLAC
Rika Takahashi | 9 June 2011
Janice Nelson and Glen White from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the US are the first overseas scientists to visit KEK after the earthquake.
Feature | Tagged:
earthquake, KEK, SLAC
Barry Barish | 10 February 2011
What is the ILC future programme beyond the Technical Design Report? How does the ILC project move forward if the decision on a linear collider construction project is delayed a few years? These questions and many others were addressed during the last Funding Agencies for Large Colliders meeting held on 22 January at SLAC, US.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
FALC, future, SLAC, TDR
Leah Hesla | 3 February 2011
Though it doesn’t sound like a way to tidy up, the alliteratively named klystron cluster could be the mechanism that helps streamline the large-scale design of the ILC. Scientists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in the US are currently developing the klystron cluster scheme, a new kind power-delivery system for radio frequency cavities that distributes power from a common conduit.
Around the World | Tagged:
KCS, klystron, klystron cluster, single tunnel, SLAC
Nick Walker | 27 January 2011
The SLAC BAW was the second and last such workshop of the so-called Top Level Change Control (TLCC) process, which has been going on for the last twelve months. The SLAC BAW focused on the two remaining TLCC themes: a reduced beam-power parameter set and the location and layout of the positron source.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline, baseline assessment workshop, BAW, beam-power, ILC baseline, positron source, SLAC, TLCC, top level change control
27 January 2011
Sculpting the future: the members of the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders, or FALC, took a break from their discussions about the next-generation linear collider at SLAC last Saturday to gather around a work of art for a group picture. Read more about their meeting in SLAC Today.
Image of the week | Tagged:
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