Tag archive: SRF
Ricarda Laasch | 22 July 2016
Did you know that more than 1000 superconducting radiofrequency cavities for roughly 150 cryomodules are needed for accelerator projects which are seeking approval at the moment? And it’s more than 24000 cavities if we add the ILC and the FCC. The TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting is one of the key events to attract SCRF experts from all the world The latest one was held at the beginning of the month, at CEA Saclay, France.
Feature | Tagged:
CEA, detailed baseline design, European XFEL, FCC, Fermilab, ILC, KEK, LCLS II, SCRF, SRF, TESLA Technology Collaboration
Video: Jim Shultz | 3 May 2012
Last week Fermilab's Cryomodule 2 was transported to the laboratory's NML building. Watch trucks, cranes and people move and install the ILC-type cryomodule in a time-lapse video.
Video of the week | Tagged:
cryomodule, Fermilab, SRF, SRF cryomodule
Rika Takahashi | 26 April 2012
KEK's superconducting radiofrequency test facility, called STF, has graduated. No longer a test facility, it is now a fully fledged accelerator.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, milestone, Quantum Beam Project, SRF, STF
Akira Yamamoto | 29 March 2012
As a result of the continued improvement of cavity processing and a better understanding of the gradient limit, researchers are closely approaching their design goals, with the hope of reaching them by the end of 2012.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity gradient, cavity R&D, quality factor, SCRF, SRF, Technical Design Phase
Barry Barish | 9 February 2012
On 19 and 20 January 2012, the third Baseline Technical Review to finalise the Technical Design Report baseline was held at KEK laboratory in Japan. The meeting reviewed the proposed cavity gradient performance, cavity integration, and the main linac integration and interfaces to the ILC conventional facilities, including radiofrequency power, control and interfaces to conventional facilities. A special meeting on superconducting radiofrequency costs followed this meeting on 21 January.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline technical review, btr, KEK, SRF, Superconducting RF, TDR, Technical Design Report
9 February 2012
Image: Nobu TogeKEK hosted the third ILC Baseline Technical Review meeting last month. Read more about the main linac and super conducting radiofrequency technology decisions in this issue's Director's Corner.
Image of the week | Tagged:
baseline technical review, KEK, main linac, SRF
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