Tag archive: Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 16 August 2012
The GDE Executive Committee met in a two-day face-to-face meeting in Melbourne just following ICHEP12. The main order of business was to develop a detailed ‘game plan’ for producing the ILC Technical Design Report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
executive committee, Technical Design Report
Juan Fuster | 16 August 2012
The process towards an updated European Strategy for the future of particle physics is well under way. In preparation for the upcoming Strategy meeting in Kraków, Poland, several generic linear-collider documents as well as many specific to ILC or CLIC have been submitted and will be discussed in September.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, detector R&D, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 2 August 2012
In May, the GDE underwent its most recent technical review, just before embarking on the task of assembling the Technical Design Report (TDR). The review covered the status of the key ILC R&D, the TDR baseline, the outline and plans for the TDR, and a look to the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, cavity yield, high-gradient cavity, PAC, Technical Design Report
Karsten Büßer | 19 April 2012
The ILC detectors have found a home - at least on paper and if they are not to be built in a mountainous region. The process of designing the caverns for the ILC's future detectors centres on optimising space usage and making the system as efficient as possible.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
CAD, CFS, ILC detectors, machine detector interface, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 15 March 2012
How should we approach questions on siting and funding the ILC? How should the construction project be governed and managed? What will be the responsibilities of the host country? How can in-kind contributions be managed most effectively? The Global Design Effort has addressed these and other such implementation issues in a new draft document submitted to the International Linear Collider Steering Committee. We make the draft available today and welcome your comments.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILCSC, Project Implementation Planning, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 9 February 2012
On 19 and 20 January 2012, the third Baseline Technical Review to finalise the Technical Design Report baseline was held at KEK laboratory in Japan. The meeting reviewed the proposed cavity gradient performance, cavity integration, and the main linac integration and interfaces to the ILC conventional facilities, including radiofrequency power, control and interfaces to conventional facilities. A special meeting on superconducting radiofrequency costs followed this meeting on 21 January.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline technical review, btr, KEK, SRF, Superconducting RF, TDR, Technical Design Report
Sakue Yamada | 19 January 2012
The year 2012 will be very busy and exciting. The main task for the ILC physics and detector community is to complete Detailed Baseline Design report summarising our effort since 2007. To achieve this goal, coordination between the detector groups and with the Global Design Effort is essential, and we are fulfilling this mission.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, IDAG, ILD, LHC, SiD, Technical Design Report
Barbara Warmbein | 23 November 2011
One of the busiest places in the ILC design is the central region. It’s where it all happens: the beams get squeezed and focused and kicked into collision and out comes physics. To make sure that everything works to perfection and to reach consensus on the design, the central region has just undergone a technical baseline review, along with areas like the connection between damping ring and main linac. One of the core decisions for the latter: a two-stage bunch compressor for shorter beams.
Feature | Tagged:
baseline technical review, btr, bunch compressor, cost savings, TDR, Technical Design Report, technical review
Nick Walker | 23 November 2011
ILC Project Manager Nick Walker describes the several books that will form up the ILC Technical Design Report. This ambitious document, planned to be released by Spring 2013, should reflect the enormous job led by the Global Design Effort over the last years.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC R&D, TDR, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 22 September 2011
Now that the baseline for the Technical Design Report has been established, the focus is on fleshing out the details of that design and optimising it for cost, risk and performance. As a result, the costing process is being initiated. The first meeting to begin the costing effort was held at Caltech in the US, immediately following the face-to-face Executive Committee meeting in July.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, cost optimisation, RDR, TDR, Technical Design Report, value management
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