30 August 2007
At Texas A&M University, a team led by Peter McIntyre has developed a new design for superconducting cavities for linear colliders, perhaps even the International Linear Collider. Their polyhedral cavity design, which is only in its beginning stages and requires a significant amount of R&D, could offer such benefits as increasing the accelerating gradient and making the cavities more cost-efficient.
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polyhedral cavity, Texas A&M University, United States
23 August 2007
As a virtual collaboration, members of the ILC community took advantage of last week’s Lepton Photon conference and held parallel meetings for the GDE Executive Committee, ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC) and the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA).
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16 August 2007
As ILC research and development efforts ramp up around the world, Fermilab is preparing to make an important contribution. Engineers and technicians at the lab’s new ILC Test Area (ILCTA) have worked hard all summer creating a state-of-the-art cryomodule test facility, and the infrastructure is almost complete.
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Fermilab, ILCTA
9 August 2007
Clouds might be welcome during a drought, but you definitely don't want them in your beam pipes. Researchers around the world are working out how to keep a section of the proposed International Linear Collider—the positron damping ring—clear of electron clouds.
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accelerator R&D, damping ring, electron cloud, SLAC
19 July 2007
While other labs concentrate on developing superconducting cavities for the International Linear Collider (ILC), SLAC is focusing on the technology needed to power them. In addition to klystron, modulator and radio frequency (RF) distribution development, this effort includes a coupler program. A coupler is basically a coaxial transmission line that connects normal-conducting, air-filled, room-temperature waveguides to each superconducting, evacuated, super-cold accelerator cavity. The couplers are complex devices due to the various requirements imposed on them; they must convert the RF to a coaxial mode, transmit high power (~300 kW), be mechanically flexible for cool-down of one end to 2K (-271
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cavity coupler, coaxial test stand, SLAC
14 June 2007
The calorimeters for the ILC detectors have to show excellent performance if researchers want to fully exploit the physics potential of the ILC. Many processes that are unique for the physics programme of the ILC are characterised by multiple-jet production that can be reconstructed by new calorimetry techniques to very high energies with unprecedented precision. The goal is to improve the jet energy resolution already achieved by a factor of two to fulfil the physics requirements the best possible way. Hence we need to develop these novel technologies and show that they work by ‘proof of principle’.
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calorimetry R&D, detector R&D, review
3 May 2007
In the development of superconducting cavities for the ILC, the machine planning group (MPL) lands another success. New prototypes manufactured from a so-called niobium single crystal plate yield excellent results. The advantage of single-crystal cavities compared with standard ones made of polycrystalline niobium lies in the atomic structure of the crystal lattice.
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cavity, single-crystal niobium
12 April 2007
Starting on 16 April, Rika Takahashi will join KEK's Linear Collider Project Office to serve as the dedicated Asian communicator for the ILC. She is taking over for Youhei Morita, who has served as the ILC communicator for Asia since August 2005. Takahashi will closely collaborate with the other ILC communicators, Elizabeth Clements (Americas), Perrine Royole-Degieux (Europe), and Barbara Warmbein (Europe).
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ILC Communicators
5 April 2007
The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design in Beijing symbolises the relationship between earth and heaven - the human society and the universe - which stands at the heart of Chinese cosmology. It was the central image on the poster for the 9th ACFA ILC Physics & Detector Workshop and ILC GDE Meeting in February 2007 at IHEP in Beijing, where the ILC reference design and preliminary cost were officially announced. Although the walkway towards the ILC is as long as that in the Temple of Heaven, China is now taking steady steps and making more contributions to the realisation of the ILC. This interest manifests itself in the Chinese scientists' unanimous support for China's participation in the ILC, which has been demonstrated during the Fragrant Mountain Meeting, held at the end of 2006, the expanding collaboration with KEK and other labs worldwide, the ILC GDE Meeting held in Beijing this February, and the various R&D efforts in progress at IHEP and other institutes.
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accelerator R&D, Beijing, BILC078, China, IHEP
22 March 2007
While it's said that opposites attract, particle physicists are taking no chances. In hopes of learning what the universe is made of, they're preparing to build a machine that will accelerate and smash together electrons and their opposites, positrons, 14,000 times every second. Like Jefferson Lab's Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF), the proposed new machine, the International Linear Collider (ILC), is being designed to use superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavity technology.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, CEBAF, JLab, SRF technology
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