Rika Takahashi | 11 June 2015
Right after the Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW) 2015 and ILC Tokyo Event, another big milestone for the ILC happened in the United States. From 26 to 30 April, three members of the Diet and members of Japan’s Federation of Diet Members for Promotion of the ILC, Takeo Kawamura, Ryu Shionoya and Shun-ichi Suzuki visited Washington D.C., to meet with their American counterparts to discuss the ILC.
Feature | Tagged:
AAA, DOE, Hudson Institute, Japan, MEXT, US
Rika Takahashi | 2 April 2015
On 22 April, participants to the Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 and special guests will be invited to a special Food Festa: “Taste of Discovery”. Here is a sneak peek on this unique event that will make tangible and savoury the international nature of the ILC project.
Feature | Tagged:
ALCW2015, food festival, Tokyo Event
Rika Takahashi | 5 March 2015
22 April 2015, the middle day of the Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW), will be a special day. Jointly hosted by Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) and the Japanese industry-academia collaboration Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science and Technology (AAA), two events will be held on the same day: the ILC Tokyo Symposium and the Special Food Festa, Taste of Discovery. A new website for these events is now open.
Around the World | Tagged:
Rika Takahashi | 22 January 2015
The LCC Directorate was given a special treat during one of the stopovers of the Tohoku visit (read also the Director’s corner): ILC korone, a type of chocolate croissant. With chocolate cream on one side (representing electrons) and vanilla cream on the other (representing positrons), and sprinkled with colored chocolate spray as particles, the baker said that they show you new particles at ILC collisions. A delicious example of physics-inspired food… View all photos
Rika Takahashi | 8 January 2015
Register now for a new style of Asian regional linear collider workshop, ALCW 2015! ALCW to be held in Tsukuba and Tokyo, Japan.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ALCW2015, detector R&D, food festival, outreach
Rika Takahashi | 11 December 2014
Japanese businesspeople and scientists gathered in Tokyo last week to attend the general meeting of the Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science and Technology, which is now a general incorporated association. At this occasion, three special lectures were given Lyn Evans, Hitoshi Murayama and Sachio Komamiya from the Linear Collider Collaboration and Board. The Japanese science community will closely collaborate with the association in the future towards the realisation of the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
AAA, Japan, MEXT
Rika Takahashi | 2 October 2014
The Linear Collider collaboration has launched the video message campaign #mylinearcollider to visualise the support for the ILC from scientists around the world. Tell us why you want the ILC!
Around the World | Tagged:
Rika Takahashi | 18 September 2014
A working accelerator and detectors that take accurate data are great – but there’s more to life than that. If the ILC goes to Japan, it will attract scientists from around the world, who will be moving with their partners and families who will need houses, schools, jobs and paperwork. In a symposium held at Oshu city hall, local representatives discussed with potential future residents what it takes to make the ideal ILC town.
Around the World | Tagged:
ILC city, ILC Support Committee, Kitakami site, Oshu
Rika Takahashi | 24 July 2014
Last month, LC NewsLine reported the achievement of the world’s smallest beam size of 55 nanometres at the ATF2 facility at KEK. At two international conferences held in June and July, the next record of 44 nanometres was reported by Kiyoshi Kubo and Shigeru Kuroda.
Around the World | Tagged:
ATF, ATF2, beam size, final focus
Rika Takahashi | 5 June 2014
The expert panel to discuss whether to invite the International Linear Collider to Japan held its first meeting in Tokyo last week. The 17 experts reviewed the challenges pointed out in the recommendation submitted by the committee under the Science Council of Japan last summer, which pointed out the issues to be clarified for a decision to host the ILC in Japan. Their final report to Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will be prepared in the fiscal year 2015.
Around the World | Tagged:
ILC site, Japan, MEXT
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