Tag archive: Asia
| 1 February 2018
A Japanese delegation of 18 persons – Diet members, government officials, industry leaders, and scientists – toured France and Germany in a four-day visit seeking to strengthen relationships towards ILC realisation. Essential view points from the two countries on investment and timescale were clarified and confirmed with the delegation. The importance to include the ILC into the next European strategy for particle physics was also reaffirmed.
Uncategorized | Tagged:
Asia, Europe, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, Japan
8 December 2016
In his keynote at LCWS2016, former MEXT Minister Takeo Kawamura stressed that while fundamental research may have application in the long run, it's the science that is most important.
Around the World | Tagged:
Asia, ILC, Japan
23 July 2015
Let's look back for the last Linear Collider conference held in Japan in Spring. Videos of the Tokyo Event are now available on TouTube!
Video of the week | Tagged:
ALCW2015, Asia, Japan
30 April 2015
At the ILC Tokyo Symposium, held on 22 April 2015 at the Ito International Hall, Tokyo, Japan, the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) and the more than 300 participants from around the world at the Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW) 2015 decided to issue a statement confirming their conviction of the scientific justification for a prompt realisation of the International Linear Collider (ILC).
Feature | Tagged:
AAA, ALCW2015, Asia, Japan, physics case, Tokyo Statement
Lyn Evans | 18 September 2014
With a technical design well in place and R&D continuing on accelerator and detectors, the community is waiting for the next big milestone to occur towards the realisation of the ILC. Apart from crucial next results from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, all eyes are on the potential ILC host Japan. So what’s happening in Japan? Linear Collider Collaboration Director Lyn Evans takes stock
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, ILC hosting, Japan, MEXT, Science Council of Japan
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 24 October 2013
LCWS13 is the first International Linear Collider workshop after the completion of the ILC Technical Design Report, the European Strategy for particle physics, the ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announcement and the Science Council of Japan report. All converges to make it a very promising linear collider meeting, Hitoshi Yamamoto explains.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, CLIC, ILC, ILC site, LCC, Science Council of Japan
Jie Gao | 12 September 2013
On 3 September, the Asia-Pacific High Energy Physics Panel (AsiaHEP) and Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) jointly issued a statement that the ILC is the most promising electron positron collider to achieve the objectives of next-generation physics.
Around the World | Tagged:
ACFA, Asia
Qian Pan | 20 September 2012
Qian Pan, a new ILC communicator for Asia, introduces herself. Qian, who is called Peggy by all her non-Chinese colleagues, is based at IHEP in Beijing. She shares her time between the Foreign Affairs Department of IHEP and ILC communications.
Around the World | Tagged:
Asia, China, IHEP, ILC Communicators
Qian Pan | 7 June 2012
Last week, China’s second Linear Collider Workshop was held in Beijing to discuss how China can join in the pre-research and future construction of ILC project more constructively. A unanimous consensus was reached that China should play an active role in ILC international cooperation and key-technology R&D on accelerator and detectors should be further pushed ahead.
Around the World | Tagged:
Asia, China, China Linear Collider Workshop
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 16 February 2012
One of the primary goals of the next global ILC workshop in Daegu, Korea, in April 2012 is to clarify the physics mandate of the ILC corresponding to narrowed-down physics scenarios, based in particular on LHC results from the Higgs boson search.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
Asia, Daegu, Higgs, LHC, physics case, physics scenario, Standard Model
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