Tag archive: cryomodule
Barbara Warmbein | 1 June 2021
The devil is in the detail. If a particle physics experiment doesn’t work, it’s often the low-tech components that cause trouble, not the high-tech ones, because the high-tech ones have been tested to the core. To avoid teething and logistics problems for the ILC, a project called “Cryomodule Global Transfer” will kick off next year.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, cryomodule, European XFEL, Pre-Lab, SCRF
Ricarda Laasch | 15 October 2015
From 14 to 18 September 334 physicists, engineers and technicians from all around the world made their way to Whistler, Canada, for the 17th International Conference on Superconducting Radiofrequency (SRF). The conference takes place every two years and shines a light upon all new developments in the different fields of superconducting cavities. It is the leading conference in this field of physics and discusses the actual state of the art of this technology. And right now it is a topic that progresses very fast.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, cryomodule, SRF technology
9 January 2014
On 20 December, members of the Accelerator Division SRF Electron Linac Department and the Technical Division SRF Development Department successfully brought the first accelerating cavity in Cryomodule 2 to a gradient of 31.5 megavolts per meter, the gradient required for the proposed International Linear Collider. The achievement demonstrates the cavity's successful integration into the cryomodule.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cryomodule, Fermilab, Superconducting RF
Julianne Wyrick | 11 July 2013
With the repair and reinstallation of the cryomodule known as CM2, Fermilab researchers are back on the road towards achieving the International Linear Collider’s R&D “S1” goal: operating a cryomodule at ILC gradient specifications.
Around the World | Tagged:
ASTA, cavity gradient, CM1, CM2, cryomodule, Fermilab, international collaboration, S1-global, SRF cryomodule
Mike Harrison | 4 April 2013
The problems of succession to the throne have bedeviled society throughout the ages. For centuries the European approach seemed to involve bloodshed ranging from the personal to the national level. The recent transfer of power in the linear collider world might not have been violent, but it still faces the eternal question of “OK, so where do we go from here?” Here are some thoughts on the ILC programme.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, CLIC, cryomodule, Higgs factory, Technical Design Report
Barbara Warmbein | 21 November 2012
An industrial study commissioned by the Global Design Effort in collaboration with experts from CERN gives a clearer picture of how cryomodules for the ILC could be mass-produced by industry. The study, whose results were recently presented at a meeting between accelerator experts from different labs. A similar study has looked at cavity serial production. One of the scientists leading the cryomodule study, Vittorio Parma from CERN, was the driving force behind the cryostat assembly for 2000 cryomagnets for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider between 2003 and 2008 and thus predestined to lend his experience to the project.
Feature | Tagged:
CEA Saclay, CERN, cryomodule, European XFEL, industrialisation, serial production
Video: Jim Shultz | 3 May 2012
Last week Fermilab's Cryomodule 2 was transported to the laboratory's NML building. Watch trucks, cranes and people move and install the ILC-type cryomodule in a time-lapse video.
Video of the week | Tagged:
cryomodule, Fermilab, SRF, SRF cryomodule
Leah Hesla | 19 April 2012
Out with the old, in with the new! Having completed a successful run of tests on Cryomodule 1, Fermilab researchers remove it from its current home and install Cryomodule 2. The new device’s components have shown promise, and with the experience from the earlier cryomodule brought to bear on the next, the team hopes to realise the ILC gradient goals at Fermilab before long.
Around the World | Tagged:
CM1, CM2, cryomodule, Fermilab, SRF cryomodule
Leah Hesla | 15 December 2011
Fermilab will soon begin operating CM2, a significant advancement in work on superconducting radiofrequency research that will serve the ILC community and Fermilab in building and operating future accelerators.
Around the World | Tagged:
ASTA, CM2, cryomodule, Fermilab, NML, SRF cryomodule
Leah Hesla | 28 July 2011
Cryomodule 1 at Fermilab is now being powered as a complete, multi-cavity instrument. Scientists will subject it to superconducting radiofrequency tests over the coming weeks.
Around the World | Tagged:
CM1, cryomodule, Fermilab
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