Tag archive: Higgs
7 July 2016
The anniversary of the announcement of the Higgs discovery (which happened on 4 July 2012) was hard to miss at CERN this year. People braced waiting times of more than 30 minutes to have a taste of discovery: the specially created Higgs pizza! Two shoots of asparagus (proton beams) collide in the middle of the pizza to create a Higgs boson that then decays. For carnivores, the chorizo Higgs decays into two two high-energy photons made of salami alongside some charged ham and neutral olive particles; vegetarians ate the decay of a tomato Higgs into four pepper muons.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, Higgs, pizza
Philip Burrows | 10 March 2016
The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) is a biannual gathering of the heads of major particle physics labs and institutes from around the world for the purpose of sharing news, liaising, and working together to promote global collaboration in our field. The Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) has its mandate from ICFA, and the LC oversight Board (LCB) met in association with the recent ICFA meeting [see other article] to monitor progress on the three main LCC elements: the ILC, CLIC, and Detector & Physics groups.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
750GeV, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, Higgs, ICFA, LCB, LHC
Barbara Warmbein | 11 February 2016
Dear colleagues, this one is for you. All those paper writing thesis completing report submitting physicists out there: here comes a new central paper for your list of references and your reading list. It provides a comprehensive physics case for the e+e- linear collider and puts all the topics and ideas from theory, collider searches, astronomy in context to each other. It’s been published in the open-access peer-reviewed European Physical Journal C (EPJC).
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, compositeness, dark matter, Higgs, ILC, physics case, supersymmetry, theory
Brian Foster | 15 October 2015
European Regional Director Brian Foster is very pleased that this years’ Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two particle physicists. Neutrinos had long been a complete puzzle, and the (improbable but true) discovery that they oscillate is an excellent example of the importance of experiments. The ILC can continue this tradition.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Higgs, neutrinos, Nobel prize, precision measurements
Hitoshi Murayama | 25 June 2015
The default collision of the energy of the ILC has always been 500 GeV with promises of an upgrade to 1000 GeV. A while ago, alternative scenarios of a staged ILC that would start at 250 GeV and ramp to 500 GeV later were discussed. All scenarios were evaluated in the community and Hitoshi Murayama reports on the result: the ILC would start at 500 GeV, then go down to lower energies before possibly receiving an upgrade to even higher ones.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
centre-of-mass energy, Higgs, LHC, luminosity, running scenario, supersymmetry, upgrade
11 June 2015
On 3 June, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN started delivering physics data for the first time in 27 months at the record energy of 13 TeV. This marks the start of season 2 at the LHC, opening the way to new discoveries. The LHC will now run round the clock for the next three years."Run 2 of the LHC can well decide the future of the field. I’m super excited!" said LCC deputy director and theorist Hitoshi Murayama on the day.
Image of the week | Tagged:
13TeV, CERN, Higgs, LHC, supersymmetry
Barbara Warmbein | 19 March 2015
The Large Hadron Collider is about to start up again as an almost new machine and almost twice the previous collision energy. With first beams possibly circulating by the end of the month and first collisions expected for the beginning of summer, physicists around the world cannot wait to see what the collisions of Run 2 will reveal. Will there be first signs of supersymmetry, a possible key to the as yet locked dark universe? What will the properties of the Higgs boson reveal? Will there be unexpected peaks in the data? And how do these results translate to the ILC? LC NewsLine speaks to two theoretical physicists.
Feature | Tagged:
dark matter, extra forces, FCC, gluino, Higgs, ILC, LHC, QCD, supersymmetry, Z'
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 19 March 2015
The physics case of the ILC boils down to three main points, says Hitoshi Yamamoto, Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration. A physics case is a scientific justification based on studies and theory. And while the case for the linear collider has been made many times, the LC physics community thinks that it is now much clearer.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CepC, FCC, Higgs, ILC, LHC, physics case, TDR
19 February 2015
Two years after the team in the CERN Control Centre switched off the beams in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on 14 February 2013 the LHC is set to start up again at the end of March. Hundreds of engineers and technicians have been repairing and strengthening the laboratory's accelerators and experiments in preparation for running the LHC at the higher energy. So what has the work achieved?
Feature | Tagged:
Joykrit Mitra | 30 October 2014
The Large Hadron Collider, the collider that helped find the Higgs particle, will resume operations again in a few months. Scientists will dig deeper into the properties of the Higgs particle. How can the ILC help? By studying how it couples to light particles, for example, and measuring its lifetime, say theorists.
Feature | Tagged:
Higgs, ILC, LHC
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