Tag archive: ICHEP
Rika Takahashi and Ricarda Laasch | 11 August 2016
Why is Hello Kitty wearing glasses? What is this L doing on her bow? And what mean all those symbols behind her back? These kinds of questions are expected regarding the newest Hello Kitty x Science line. But why? Read more about how this cute small Kitty got in touch with science and about her impact at a huge High Energy Physics conference.
Feature | Tagged:
Harry Weerts | 11 August 2016
The mandate of the current LCC structure ends at the end of 2016 and ICFA has now put a revised structure in place. There has also been a change in the way the US supports ILC activities. Harry Weerts, current regional director for the Americas, describes these changes and how they will affect ILC activities.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, DOE, Fermilab, ICFA, ICHEP, ILC, Japan, KEK, LCB, LCC, MEXT, superconducting cavity, United States
Ricarda Laasch | 11 August 2016
High Energy Physics (HEP) has always been a field with great discoveries and the field seems to be ‘storming’ forward as some attendees of this ICHEP declared. Not only new LHC results were the center point of this conference but also the discovery of gravitational waves, new neutrino measurements and of course future facilities like the ILC and CLIC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, cavity, CLIC, detector R&D, ICHEP, ILC, ILD, Japan, LHC, SCRF, SiD, United States
Barry Barish | 9 August 2012
Last month, both LHC experiments at CERN announced the discovery of a new particle with mass of 125.5 GeV, which is likely the long-sought Higgs boson. It made headlines worldwide. This is indeed an exciting moment for particle physicists and it came just prior to our largest scientific meeting, the biannual International Conference on High Energy Physics ICHEP held in Melbourne, Australia. In Melbourne, the detailed and impressive scientific evidence was presented to the worldwide particle physics community.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Higgs boson, ICHEP, Standard Model
Barry Barish | 19 August 2010
[...] Whatever new large projects will be in our future, we are building a strategy and timing for decisions, where the scientific results and imperatives can determine our choices.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
future accelerators, ICHEP, ICHEP10
Barry Barish | 12 August 2010
[...] The ICHEP conference broadly covered the field of high-energy physics from new limits on the search for the Higgs from the Tevatron to reviews of future technology and projects.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICHEP, ICHEP10, LHC, Tevatron
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 5 August 2010
How do you gather 2,000 Parisians and tourists in the middle of summer to talk about particle physics during a whole night? Probably following this recipe: find a magic venue, invite fascinating speakers and well-known artists, explore the frontier between science and cinema and advertise, advertise, advertise. Well, at least this is how the "Nuit des particules" – Particle Night – organised on 27 July at the Grand Rex theatre in Paris by the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2010) this year happened to be a success.
Feature | Tagged:
France, ICHEP, outreach, Paris, public event, public lecture
Barry Barish | 4 September 2008
The International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), once affectionately called the Rochester Conference, is considered central in our field. It takes place every second year. This year the meeting was held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICHEP, ICHEP08, overview
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