Tag archive: Japan
Kaoru Yokoya | 26 July 2012
With the news of the Higgs, public interest in particle physics in general and the ILC in particular is at an all-time high. Kaoru Yokoya, Asian Regional Director, says that now is the time to foster this interest and find the next generation of particle physicists in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, outreach
Rika Takahashi | 12 July 2012
On 10 July, governors, industrial leaders, and local officials of Japan’s northeastern area got together to attend a general meeting of the Tohoku Advanced Science and Technology Study Group. In the northeastern part of Japan, or Tohoku, activities towards inviting the ILC to the area has been intensified ever since the ILC was positioned as one of the promising means to recover from the disastrous earthquake occurred last year.
Feature | Tagged:
economic impact, ILC site, Japan, Tohoku
Rika Takahashi | 14 June 2012
Particle cartoons, enticing images, animations and lots and lots of information – that’s what a new website dedicated to the ILC in Japan offers its visitors to help them learn more about the ILC and particle physics. Created by the Advanced Accelerator Association promoting science and technology, it went live on Monday this week.
Feature | Tagged:
AAA, Japan, Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, website
Barry Barish | 7 June 2012
The international KILC12 workshop was held in April in Korea to discuss topics varying from ILC physics to the nuts and bolts of the accelerator and detector designs for the International Linear Collider. This meeting came at a crucial time when the design decisions for the Technical Design Report was being finalised and the writing of the report being begun in earnest.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DBD, Higgs, Japan, KILC12, physics, TDR
Rika Takahashi | 31 May 2012
Close to 80 scientists gathered at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan for the ILD workshop held from 23 to 25 May. The workshop also drew interest from Japanese media, who attended press briefing and the tour around "the south site" for the ILC.
Feature | Tagged:
candidate sites, ILD, Japan
Image: CNRS/Yannick Legré | 31 May 2012
For the first time, two internationally associated laboratories, the France-Korea Laboratory for Particle Physics and e-science and the France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory (renamed Toshiko Yuasa Laboratory), jointly held their annual meeting, providing new opportunities for trilateral collaborations. More than 70 physicists gathered from 28-30 May at the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Talks included overviews from the directors of KEK, KISTI, CEA/Irfu and CNRS/IN2P3 and a review of the latest results of the collaborative work on particle detector and accelerator R&D, astroparticle and neutrinos and grid computing.
Image of the week | Tagged:
France, Japan, Korea, LPC Clermont
Rika Takahashi | 26 April 2012
KEK's superconducting radiofrequency test facility, called STF, has graduated. No longer a test facility, it is now a fully fledged accelerator.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, milestone, Quantum Beam Project, SRF, STF
Rika Takahashi | 8 March 2012
Realising a big international project such as International Linear Collider involves many issues beyond finalising the technical design. The Advanced Accelerator Association promoting science and technology, Japan's industry-academia collaboration towards the realisation of the ILC, recently published a report to address such issues.
Around the World | Tagged:
AAA, Japan, Japanese Society for Promotion of Science
Wilhelm Bialowons (DESY), John Osborne (CERN) and Masanobu Miyahara (KEK) | 1 March 2012
Ten members from the Japanese Society for Civil Engineering’s committee for civil works for future ILC facilities came to Europe in February to look at current civil engineering projects like CERN’s LINAC4 and the European XFEL in Hamburg and to discuss administrative challenges. By the end of March next year, the committee will publish draft guidelines on civil solutions for a potential ILC in Japan.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, civil engineering, DESY, Japan, XFEL
Image: Hans-Joachim Christ, DESY | 16 February 2012
A delegation from the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering visited the European labs CERN and DESY this month to learn about how the laboratories run their projects.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, civil engineering, DESY, Japan
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