Tag archive: Japan
25 September 2020
The International Committee for Future Accelerators announced the structure and the team members of the ILC International Development Team, to make the project one step forward.
Feature | Tagged:
ICFA, IDT, ILC, Japan, KEK, Pre-Lab
Geoffrey Taylor | 25 September 2020
Geoffrey Taylor, the current chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA, explains why ICFA has set up the International Development Team (IDT) and what it will do.
Feature | Tagged:
ICFA, ILC, Japan, Pre-Lab
30 May 2019
KEK Director General Masanori Yamauchi talks about the status of ILC in Japan at the colloquium held at Fermilab on 24 April.
Video of the week | Tagged:
Fermilab, ILC, Japan, KEK
14 March 2019
“Today we did not get the green light we hoped for, but nevertheless there was a significant step forward with a strong political statement and, for the first time, a declaration of interest in further discussions by a senior member of the executive. We will continue to push hard, ” said Lyn Evans, Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICFA, Japan, Linear Collider Board, MEXT
14 March 2019
On 7 and 8 March 2019, the International Committee for Future Accelerators held its 83rd meeting at the University of Tokyo. In a session chaired by the Linear Collider Board, an official of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) explained Japan’s view in regard to the International Linear Collider to ICFA members.
Around the World | Tagged:
14 March 2019
On 7 March, the chairs of the Linear Collider Board and the International Committee for Future Accelerators, Tatsuya Nakada and Geoffrey Taylor, as well as KEK DG Masanori Yamauchi, met national Japanese and international media for a press briefing on Japan's view on the future of the ILC. Watch the recorded press briefing.
Video of the week | Tagged:
ICFA, Japan, KEK, LCB, MEXT, press briefing, YouTube
21 December 2018
The report released by the Science Council of Japan on 19 December on the realisation of the ILC raised many questions within the linear collider community. The ILC Planning Office at KEK asks for continuing support.
Director's Update | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, SCJ
21 December 2018
Two political groups, the Federation of Diet Members for the ILC and the Liaison Committee for Realizing the ILC, released a joint message in response to the SCJ's final report, reaffirming their commitment to push forward the ILC in Japan and to persuade the Japanese government to make a positive decision by March next year.
Feature | Tagged:
Federation of Diet members, ILC hosting, Japan
Rika Takahashi | 4 October 2018
Four Nobel laureates in Physics Sheldon Glashow, Barry Barish, Masatoshi Koshiba and Yoshinori Osumi publicly support the ILC project in a symposium held at the University of Tokyo last August. The ILC is “absolutely essential,” they said, and not just for particle physics.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC site, Japan, LIGO, Nobel prize
Barbara Warmbein | 4 October 2018
Have you ever seen pictures of people proudly showing off tattoos or stickers showing a compass-like stylised particle collision and wondered what that was all about? Have you heard of a group called “ILC Supporters” but didn’t know who they are and how to join them? This interview with Kimura U, Japan’s "ambassador for cute (kawaii)" and famous ILC Supporter, should answer all your questions.
Around the World | Tagged:
ILC Supporters, Japan, kawaii
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