Tag archive: KEK
2 September 2010
About 90 students from all parts of Japan gathered at the Summer Challenge programme held at KEK, Tsukuba from 21 to 29 August 2010. Starting in 2007, this programme intended for junior students who are interested in high-energy physics was the fourth in the series this year.
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KEK, Summer Challenge programme
Leah Hesla | 26 August 2010
Achieving resonance in a scientific collaboration is no small feat, but scientists at Fermilab, DESY and KEK have come together to do exactly that: They've improved the mechanism that keeps superconducting radio frequency cavities in tune.Members of Fermilab's Technical Division and DESY staff, with financial assistance from KEK, recently built four new tuning machines that set SRF cavities to the correct frequency and alignment. More highly automated than their predecessors, the machines save time and labor and ensure greater consistency in RF cavity quality. They work by squeezing or stretching individual cells in a nine-cell cavity and allowing all of them to perform identically and impart the same acceleration to the beam.
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cavity, DESY, Fermilab, KEK, SRF technology, tuning machine
Leah Hesla | 12 August 2010
Last May, in only two weeks' time, a team of Accelerator Division Instrumentation Department employees installed, powered, debugged and started up a brand new, home-made beam position monitoring system at KEK's Accelerator Test Facility. It worked flawlessly.
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Fermilab, KEK
12 August 2010
Every day, KEK welcomes scientists and students from around the world. Some of them come here as collaborators who work on the international projects and programmes using cutting-edge facilities at KEK. Some visit as users who wish to use the beamlines at the Photon Factory to look into the smallest worlds. Many graduate students will write up their hard work here into their thesis. Many of them stay only days or weeks, but some of them stay longer to concentrate on the R&D for months or even years, like Dr. Philip Bambade from LAL in Orsay, France.
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ATF, ATF2, Japan, KEK
10 June 2010
The POSIPOL 2010 workshop was held from 31 May to 2 June at KEK. It was the fifth in the POSIPOL series of workshops dealing with the physics aspects, the design issues, and the open questions concerning a polarised positron source in the framework of the next-generation electron-positron colliders such as the ILC or the Compact Linear Collider Study CLIC. A total of 44 scientists from Europe, Asia and the US attended the workshop, including some via videoconference. The main topic of the POSIPOL 2010 was design of the polarized positron sources for the ILC and for CLIC. The only linear accelerator which used a positron beam was the SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the US "For CLIC, we will need to produce 18 times more positrons than SLC, and 65 times more for the ILC", said Dr. Louis Rinolfi (CERN), who is convener of the ILC/CLIC joint working group for positron studies, "these numbers show how far we are from what where want to be," Rinolfi said.
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KEK, PosiPol
Rika Takahashi | 29 April 2010
April is the season of beginnings in Japan: beginning of spring, beginning of the school year, and beginning of the business fiscal year. Tokyo is not quite in the beginning of spring yet, as snow fell on Saturday, 17 April, matching a 41-year-old record for the season's latest snowfall. Regardless of the late arrival of spring, KEK's Linear Collider Project Office kicked off the new fiscal year with a new head of the Office: Seiya Yamaguchi.
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Japan, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 15 April 2010
The ILC community welcomed a new ILC communicator from China at the Linear Collider Workshop 2010. “I feel so lucky to become an ILC communicator and to work with the other communicators,” said Min Zhang. Zhang, based at the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP), will be sharing the Asian communication duties with Rika Takahashi (KEK) and will closely collaborate with her European colleagues, Perrine Royole-Degieux (CNRS/IN2P3) and Barbara Warmbein (DESY).
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Asia, ILC Communicators, Japan, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 25 March 2010
From the end of March to the beginning of April it is one of the most festive times of the year in Japan, when the cherry blossom trees all over Japan come in to bloom for about ten days and people hold outdoor parties to view and enjoy them. The cherry blossoms are also symbols for farewells and welcomes, because April is the beginning of another school year and a new fiscal year for businesses in Japan. On 23 March, Shuichi Noguchi, one of the leading superconducting radio frequency specialists of KEK, gave his retirement lecture entitled 'Thinking back on my life as a scientist — my life at KEK and the superconducting RF cavity.'
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Japan, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 25 February 2010
Following the successful cavity string work for superconducting acceleration cavities from Europe and Americas, a team of four scientists and engineers form INFN, Italy and Fermilab, US, arrived in Japan for the assembly work of the frequency tuners for S1-global work.
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KEK, S1-global
11 February 2010
The particle physics community is accustomed to global collaboration, and here at KEK, one of those collaborations has just begun on a core technology for the International Linear Collider (ILC), the superconducting accelerating system.
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KEK, S1-global
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