Tag archive: LCWS
Rika Takahashi | 26 June 2023
Over 200 scientists and engineers got together at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory from 15 to 19 May to attend LCWS 2023. They had been communicating through computer screens for the past three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This event was a great opportunity for them to finally reunite in person. What a wonderful chance to catch up and learn from each other.
Feature | Tagged:
Lyn Evans | 27 June 2019
The decision-making process of hosting the International Linear Collider in Japan is now approaching a critical point. Director Lyn Evans hopes that the project is included in the “Japanese Master Plan of Large Research Projects.”
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC, LCWS, master plan, roadmap, SCJ
Steinar Stapnes | 1 February 2018
With input to the update of the European Strategy for Particle Phyics due by the end of the year, the linear collider community has its goals clearly defined: progress on the political level and on technology. Steinar Stapnes gives an overview.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, CLIC workshop, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, LCWS, X-band
Steinar Stapnes | 23 July 2015
As the summer conferences are kicking off, providing more and more complete LHC 8 TeV results and the very first glimpses of 13 TeV data, it is also time to start thinking about the autumn linear collider programme. The LCWS15 and the International Linear Collider School will be held in Whistler, BC, Canada.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, LC school, LCWS, TRIUMF
Steinar Stapnes | 26 November 2014
After a successful linear collider workshop last month, which saw progress in site-specific studies for the ILC and detector optimisation for both ILC and CLIC detectors (and more), Steinar Stapnes is looking ahead to next year's workshops in Japan and Canada.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, LCWS, site-specific design
Akira Yamamoto | 2 October 2014
Things continue to evolve in the ILC design. In order to make sure that changes and optimisations formally make it into the new design, a change management board has been put into place, recounts Akira Yamamoto.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
change management board, LCWS, LCWS14, technical design
Mike Harrison | 4 September 2014
The next big linear collider meeting, LWS14, will take place in Serbia next month. Mike Harrison, Associate Director for the International Linear Collider, explains how this gathering will be key for the ILC project to discuss cross-cutting issues between the accelerator and detector communities and the workshop will emphasise on site-specific design. It should provide the forum to allow a final review by all the interested parties before adopting the new design into the ILC baseline.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities and siting, LCWS, machine detector interface, MDI, tunnel design
Steinar Stapnes | 3 July 2014
Summer conferences are only just starting, but Steinar Stapnes, director for CLIC in the LCC, looks ahead to the linear collider autumn conference and its specific challenges for ILC as well as for CLIC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, LCWS
Images: Nobuko Kobayashi / KEK | 21 November 2013
Did you miss last week's International Workshop on Future Linear Collider LCWS 2013 but wish you'd been there? Or were you one of the over 300 participants who discussed the physics case for a high energy linear electron-positron collider at the University of Tokyo? Whatever your motivation, here is a slideshow with some impression from the intense five-day meeting. Accelerator experts and detector developers reviewed progress of the designs of ILC and CLIC and their detectors, looked closely at the latest Higgs results from the LHC and discussed possible future scenarios for turning the linear collider into a real project with a host.
Slideshow | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 11 October 2012
The Technical Design Report will be the culmination and final deliverable for the ILC Global Design Effort. The report will be submitted in near final form to the ILC Program Advisory Committee in November for technical review in December at KEK. The drafting of the report has been under way since last spring. The GDE Executive Committee recently performed a critical review of a second snapshot of the evolving TDR draft.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
executive committee, LCWS, LCWS12, PAC, Technical Design Report
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