Tag archive: LHC
Barry Barish | 12 August 2010
[...] The ICHEP conference broadly covered the field of high-energy physics from new limits on the search for the Higgs from the Tevatron to reviews of future technology and projects.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICHEP, ICHEP10, LHC, Tevatron
29 July 2010
Geneva, 26 July 2010. First results from the LHC at CERN1 are being revealed at ICHEP, the world’s largest international conference on particle physics, which has attracted more than 1000 participants to its venue in Paris. The spokespersons of the four major experiments at the LHC – ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb – are today presenting measurements from the first three months of successful LHC operation at 3.5 TeV per beam, an energy three and a half times higher than previously achieved at a particle accelerator.
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Barbara Warmbein | 1 July 2010
Textbooks were being rewritten during last week’s Physics at LHC conference. “I was sitting in the session, listening to the ALICE talk by Andrea Dainese from Padova on Wednesday morning, and suddenly I knew: I could replace all the textbook bubble-chamber pictures from the sixties in my lectures,” said DESY’s Thomas Naumann, a member of the ATLAS collaboration.
Around the World | Tagged:
booklet, LHC, particle data booklet, PDG
Barry Barish | 13 May 2010
The cost of the project "next-generation linear collider" ILC has been a major issue, ever since we began our ILC design work in 2005. The scale of the project and the costs of the ILC are roughly equivalent to the largest present-day science projects, like the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The good news is that we believe the ILC will not cost more than these megascience projects, and they have actually been built or are being built. The bad news is that the present world economic situation and government priorities are such that it will be extremely difficult to convince governments to make yet another large investment in a fundamental science project of such a large scale. Nevertheless, fundamental science must go on...
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost breakdown, cost estimate, ITER, LHC, Reference Design Report, SB2009
Barry Barish | 8 April 2010
This past week marked the beginning of a new era for particle physics with the much publicised achievement of establishing the first 7-TeV collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). [...] We should soon begin to have a glimpse of Terascale physics from searches for the origin of mass to looking for evidence of a new symmetry in nature that could even explain the dark matter. Even more intriguing is the real possibility for totally unexpected surprises that are awaiting us. We are looking to LHC science to establish what kind of lepton collider will be needed to best exploit the energy frontier in the longer term.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
7 TeV, CERN, ILC, lepton collider, LHC, supersymmetry, terascale
8 April 2010
With stable beams regularly circulating and colliding in the LHC, we have started the physics programme at 7 TeV. At a recent workshop in Italy, participants had the chance to take stock of what lies in store for the LHC's first physics run.
Feature | Tagged:
7 TeV, LHC
Barbara Warmbein | 8 April 2010
On days when the LHC makes front page news, some web pages get more attention than they usually do. A page that is highly frequented by LHC operators, on display in all control rooms and a favourite link for physicists, but otherwise not all that well known, is LHC Page 1 (aka OP Vistars). One quick look gives you all the important information on the status of the machine. ILC NewsLine wanted to find out: what would an ILC Page 1 look like?
Around the World | Tagged:
1 April 2010
Geneva, 30 March 2010. Beams collided at 7 TeV in the LHC at 13:06 CEST, marking the start of the LHC research programme. Particle physicists around the world are looking forward to a potentially rich harvest of new physics as the LHC begins its first long run at an energy three and a half times higher than previously achieved at a particle accelerator.
Feature | Tagged:
18 March 2010
Yesterday the science news media and twitterverse were abuzz following a BBC News article announcing “LHC to shut down for a year to address design faults.” Readers – and the news outlets that frantically re-reported the BBC article – assumed that CERN had found a new problem with the LHC and announced an imminent shutdown. Neither is the case. Here, we join our fellow science writers and bloggers in setting the record straight about the LHC’s next long shutdown.
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4 February 2010
Last week, the Chamonix workshop once again proved its worth as a place where all the stakeholders in the LHC can come together, take difficult decisions and reach a consensus on important issues for the future of particle physics. The most important decision we reached last week is to run the LHC for 18 to 24 months at a collision energy of 7 TeV (3.5 TeV per beam). After that, we’ll go into a long shutdown in which we’ll do all the necessary work to allow us to reach the LHC’s design collision energy of 14 TeV for the next run. This means that when beams go back into the LHC later this month, we’ll be entering the longest phase of accelerator operation in CERN’s history, scheduled to take us into summer or autumn 2011.
Feature | Tagged:
CERN, Chamonix, LHC
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