Tag archive: public event
Barbara Warmbein | 3 November 2011
Last Saturday’s Open Day and Science Night at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, attracted more than 13 000 visitors. The lab presented its many fields of research, including the ILC, in a tent outside the entrance to the HERA accelerator tunnel. ILC detector developers and accelerator experts explained what the project is all about.
Around the World | Tagged:
DESY, public event
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 6 October 2011
With the news of superluminous neutrinos in the air, the residents of Granada, Spain were primed and ready to learn more about the strange world of particles from François Richard, who gave a public lecture during the week of this year’s international workshop on linear colliders.
Around the World | Tagged:
Granada, LCWS11, public event, public lecture, Spain
Leah Hesla | 31 March 2011
Eugene, Oregon played host to the first-ever physics slam in the United States. By all accounts, it was a runaway success.
Feature | Tagged:
ALCPG, ALCPG11, outreach, public event
17 March 2011
At this year's ALCPG conference, the University of Oregon will host the first-ever physics slam held in the United States. Six ILC scientists become slammers for one night. Each has only 12 minutes to explain a topic in particle physics to the residents of Eugene, Oregon. The audience votes for the clearest, most entertaining particle physics slam of the evening. Come join the fun if you can! The event is free and open to the public. Visit the event page for more information.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ALCPG, Eugene, Oregon, physics slam, public event
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 5 August 2010
How do you gather 2,000 Parisians and tourists in the middle of summer to talk about particle physics during a whole night? Probably following this recipe: find a magic venue, invite fascinating speakers and well-known artists, explore the frontier between science and cinema and advertise, advertise, advertise. Well, at least this is how the "Nuit des particules" – Particle Night – organised on 27 July at the Grand Rex theatre in Paris by the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2010) this year happened to be a success.
Feature | Tagged:
France, ICHEP, outreach, Paris, public event, public lecture
Barbara Warmbein | 5 November 2009
Even though University of Oregon professor and Americas regional contact for the ILC physics and detectors studies Jim Brau had specifically invited a young audience to his public lecture on 1 October in the University of Albuquerque, he thought of teenagers and university students rather than seven–year–olds. But Brau gave particle physics one of its youngest fans — little Abigail Zwartz was so gripped by his talk that she took notes eagerly and even presented them in school the next day.
Feature | Tagged:
outreach, public event, public lecture
4 June 2009
TILC09 in Tsukuba, Japan, took place on Japanese Invention Day observed annually on 18 April, and the week in itself was designated as Science and Technology Week. Naturally, in Tsukuba, the population of research institutions is unparalleled in the country, and it becomes most festive during that week once a year. There were various events held throughout the nation during the week of 13 April, one of which was the TILC09's public lecture, "The universe's greatest magic!? – Antimatter annihilation" featuring a close-up magician, Tomohiro Maeda, Hitoshi Murayama of the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) and Takeo Higuchi of KEK.
Around the World | Tagged:
outreach, public event, public lecture, TILC09
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