Tag archive: Spain
Mike Harrison | 26 May 2016
The ILC’s central region – the bits of accelerator and other technology around the point where particles will collide – will get special attention at the upcoming ECFA Linear Collider Workshop in Santander, Spain. But changes to the design, civil engineering issues and detector topics also feature on the agenda. ILC Director Mike Harrison looks forward to seeing his colleagues face to face, rather than by video.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, central region, change control board, civil engineering, ECFA, ILC, machine detector interface, Spain, workshop
Tohru Takahashi (Hiroshima University) | 26 May 2016
A Spanish Japanese Collaboration in industry and science? Yes, a collaboration which just took another important step to strengthen this relationship at May 13th at the Collaboration Opportunities on Fusion and Accelerator Technologies and Projects workshop at the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo. Tohru Takahshi from Hiroshima University attended this workshop and offers his impressions about the actual developments and relations between Japan and Spain. In his short review of this event he included many details about the speakers, the Spanish Japanese History and of course a short look in further events.
Feature | Tagged:
AAA, cooperation, ECFA LC2016, ILC, industry, ITER, Japan, Spain
12 July 2012
Spain was recently host to two international physics and science encounters: the 40th International Meeting on Fundamental Physics and the Cantabria Campus Nobel. While one was pivotal for the Spanish high-energy physics landscape, the other offered a unique opportunity for scientists from all ages and backgrounds to exchange ideas.
Around the World | Tagged:
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 6 October 2011
With the news of superluminous neutrinos in the air, the residents of Granada, Spain were primed and ready to learn more about the strange world of particles from François Richard, who gave a public lecture during the week of this year’s international workshop on linear colliders.
Around the World | Tagged:
Granada, LCWS11, public event, public lecture, Spain
29 September 2011
Linear collider researchers meet for five days this week in the grand Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Granada, Spain for the second International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders. Though a few local newspaper headlines would have readers believe that LCWS11 scientists debated the true velocity of muon neutrinos, conference attendees were far more interested in the particulars of the next precision particle collider. The conference organisers and its host, Universidad de Granada, also put together a vibrant social programme that included a public lecture by LAL Orsay's François Richard titled, "Viaje al corazón de la materia," and a visit to the grand, ornate Alhambra palace. [nggallery id=4 images=47]
Slideshow | Tagged:
Alhambra, Granada, LCWS, LCWS11, Spain
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 29 September 2011
The worldwide accelerator community gathered at San Sebastián, Spain for the second International Particle Accelerator Conference. Besides being the annual rendez-vous of accelerator scientists and engineers from around the world, it is also a very good opportunity for them to meet with the industry.
Around the World | Tagged:
industry, IPAC11, Spain
11 November 2010
The Spanish National Network for Future Linear Colliders met in Valencia, Spain on 25 and 26 October. Representatives from all Spanish groups involved in R&D activities on detectors and accelerators for future colliders, as well as physicists from theory groups, attended the meeting which showed big advancements developed in all the activities of the Spanish groups, both in accelerators and detectors. The challenge of organising the next global Linear Collider Workshop in 2011 at Granada was also very well received by the Spanish community.
Around the World | Tagged:
Europe, Spain
Barry Barish | 12 February 2009
We had a nearly two-day meeting with the Spanish particle physics groups to explore collaborations for the ILC last month. (...) These meetings gave us a much better understanding of the capabilities and ambitions of the Spanish groups and gave them a better picture of the opportunities in ILC R&D and design work. We expect to continue these productive discussions, leading up to increased Spanish involvement in the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Europe, ILC R&D, Spain
Barry Barish | 5 February 2009
The Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC) held its semi-annual meeting in Madrid, Spain on 19 January.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
FALC, Madrid, Spain
Barry Barish | 14 August 2008
The modern era in Spanish particle physics was marked by Spain rejoining CERN in 1983, and the country's investments and programme in particle physics have continued to grow and thrive ever since.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Europe, Spain
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