Tag archive: SRF technology
Shinichiro Michizono | 26 February 2021
Let’s talk cavities and cryomodules! Accelerator Director Shin Michizono brings us up to date with the latest developments on the ILC machine as well as plans and tests for the next phase, leading to the next big milestone, the Engineering Design Report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, SCRF, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
30 May 2019
KEK’s Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF) operated the first beams during February and March 2019 and demonstrated results that satisfy the specifications for the International Linear Collider (ILC).
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, KEK, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
Ricarda Laasch | 15 October 2015
From 14 to 18 September 334 physicists, engineers and technicians from all around the world made their way to Whistler, Canada, for the 17th International Conference on Superconducting Radiofrequency (SRF). The conference takes place every two years and shines a light upon all new developments in the different fields of superconducting cavities. It is the leading conference in this field of physics and discusses the actual state of the art of this technology. And right now it is a topic that progresses very fast.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, cryomodule, SRF technology
Leah Hesla | 2 October 2014
The superconducting technology at the heart of the ILC is one of the outstanding innovations of the machine’s design. The new kid on the block, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s light source LCLS II, owes much to the ILC's advances in superconducting radio-frequency technology.
Around the World | Tagged:
European XFEL, international collaboration, LCLS, LCLS II, SCRF technology R&D, SRF technology
Julianne Wyrick | 21 November 2013
After years of pursuing purity in the niobium material used to make superconducting radiofrequency cavities, a Fermilab team led by Anna Grassellino has found that baking cavities to introduce certain impurities may improve the cavity performance. The new method may provide a way for ILC-type cavities to reach up to three times higher quality factors—enabling more cost-effective accelerators.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity gradient, Fermilab, high-gradient cavity, medium-field Q slope, quality factor, SRF cavity, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
Julianne Wyrick | 25 July 2013
Hydrogen has long been known as a possible enemy of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities - like those needed for the ILC - thanks to its potential to form non-superconducting hydrides that limit cavity quality factor (Q) and gradient. Researchers at Fermilab have made further progress in understanding the full physics behind hydrogen involvement, which is an important step towards improvements in cavity processing.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, cavity R&D, Fermilab, quality factor, SCRF, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
Leah Hesla | 29 March 2012
Researchers at Cornell University's Energy Recovery Linac programme recently achieved three milestones in two months. One of them could lead to more reliable superconducting accelerator cavities.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam current, beam emittance, cavity diagnostic, cavity processing, cavity testing, Cornell, energy recovery linac, ERL, SRF technology
2 February 2012
The world’s fastest (and shortest) movie has superconducting radiofrequency technology to thank for its entry into the Guinness Book of World Records. Shot at DESY’s FLASH X-ray laser, which accelerates electrons in much the same way as the ILC will, it shows a micro model of the German Brandenburg Gate at an interval of a mere 50 femtoseconds between two frames. Read DESY's press release
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, FLASH, laser, SRF technology
Rika Takahashi | 26 January 2012
Japanese company Tokyo Denkai is boosting high-purity niobium production and processing with some new equipment and a better-outfitted shop. Should the ILC be built, the company will be able to handle the large order of niobium needed for accelerator cavities.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, Japan, niobium, SRF technology, superconducting cavity, XFEL
Min Zhang | 5 January 2012
Last month, the biannual TESLA Technology Collaboration, hosted by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences together with Peking University and Tsinghua University, was held at IHEP in Beijing.
Feature | Tagged:
SRF technology, TESLA Technology Collaboration
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