Tag archive: Technical Design Report
Jim Brau | 14 December 2017
This year’s Nobel Prize was awarded to our colleague, Barry Barish, a former, prominent leader of the linear collider community for many years. Associate Director for Physics and Detectors Jim Brau reports on Barry Barish’s role in the first direct detection of gravitational waves and managing large science projects.
Feature | Tagged:
Barry Barish, GDE, gravitational waves, history, LIGO, Technical Design Report
Ricarda Laasch | 9 June 2016
A long-standing issue that had kept civil engineers and accelerator developers busy has now been resolved: the design option of the loaf-shaped Kamaboko tunnel will have a separating wall of 1.5 metres.
Feature | Tagged:
CFS, TDR, Technical Design Report
Rika Takahashi | 10 December 2015
Getting the best people from all over the world is one of the biggest challenges to realise the International Linear Collider, the next-generation electron-positron collider. That’s why there’s a new working group on human resources, called into being by Japan’s ILC Advisory Panel, to tackle the issue before the ILC has even been approved.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, MEXT, Technical Design Report
Julianne Wyrick | 27 June 2013
The University of Tokyo, CERN and Fermilab weren’t the only locations celebrating the handover of the International Linear Collider’s (ILC) Technical Design Report on 12 June.
Around the World | Tagged:
cold technology, DESY, SLAC, Technical Design Report, warm technology
Lyn Evans | 27 June 2013
Physics isn’t usually associated with big emotions, and in the everyday life at the labs this is probably true. However, our field has recently had many momentous events, and the excitement these have caused have made particle physics one of the most popular science topics in the world. Let’s use this momentum to get ahead in our plan to build the ILC – maybe in stages and in Japan?
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Fermilab, Japan, site selection, Technical Design Report
13 June 2013
Tokyo, Geneva, Chicago – 12 June 2013. A five-volume report containing the blueprint for a future particle physics project, the International Linear Collider (ILC), was published today. In three consecutive ceremonies in Asia, Europe and the Americas, the authors of the Technical Design Report for the International Linear Collider, a next-generation particle collider to complement and advance beyond the physics of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, officially handed the report over to the international oversight board for projects in particle physics, the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA. The Technical Design Report presents the latest, most technologically advanced and most thoroughly scrutinised design for the ILC.
Feature | Tagged:
CERN, Fermilab, GDE, handover, Japan, Technical Design Report, worldwide event
Barry Barish | 13 June 2013
The Global Design Effort has completed its mandate to produce a technical design for the ILC. Yesterday’s official handover of the Technical Design Report to ICFA was the culmination of a celebratory three continent event this week. The discovery of the Higgs particle at the LHC at CERN, the production of a viable design for a complementary electron-positron linear collider and the interest of the Japanese in hosting this machine combine to greatly encourage our communities’ hopes and dreams of building the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cold technology, electron-positron collider, executive committee, GDE, hadron collider, Technical Design Report, warm technology
Mike Harrison | 4 April 2013
The problems of succession to the throne have bedeviled society throughout the ages. For centuries the European approach seemed to involve bloodshed ranging from the personal to the national level. The recent transfer of power in the linear collider world might not have been violent, but it still faces the eternal question of “OK, so where do we go from here?” Here are some thoughts on the ILC programme.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, CLIC, cryomodule, Higgs factory, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 7 March 2013
The final deliverable of the Global Design Effort, the ILC Technical Design Report, was completed and submitted in draft form to the International Linear Collider Steering Committee in November 2012. Following a successful technical review of the design in December, an International Cost Review was conducted in February of the value estimate. The cost review validated the TDR value estimates, and pointed out other costing efforts that will be needed as the ILC becomes a site-specific construction project.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, cost review, ILCU, labour, Technical Design Report, value estimate
Lyn Evans | 7 March 2013
On 21 February the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) handed over to the new linear collider structure. The Linear Colllider Board (LCB), chaired by Sachio Komamiya, replaces ILCSC, and the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) replaces GDE and the groups working on physics and detectors for both the ILC and CLIC. The LCC of course also includes the CLIC study. Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans looks ahead.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors, Snowmass, Technical Design Report
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