
Tag archive: KEK

From KEK: KEK presented its plan for the ILC project in Lausanne

| 10 May 2019 KEK Director General Masanori Yamauchi updated KEK's activity toward the realization of the ILC in Japan. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

From KEK: ICFA received Japan’s view to the ILC

14 March 2019 On 7 and 8 March 2019, the International Committee for Future Accelerators held its 83rd meeting at the University of Tokyo. In a session chaired by the Linear Collider Board, an official of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) explained Japan’s view in regard to the International Linear Collider to ICFA members. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

ICFA briefing on future prospects of the ILC: the video

14 March 2019 On 7 March, the chairs of the Linear Collider Board and the International Committee for Future Accelerators, Tatsuya Nakada and Geoffrey Taylor, as well as KEK DG Masanori Yamauchi, met national Japanese and international media for a press briefing on Japan's view on the future of the ILC. Watch the recorded press briefing. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , , , , , ,

Clarifications on the report from the Science Council of Japan regarding the ILC

21 December 2018 The report released by the Science Council of Japan on 19 December on the realisation of the ILC raised many questions within the linear collider community. The ILC Planning Office at KEK asks for continuing support. Category: Director's Update | Tagged: , ,

From KEK: Regarding the “Assessment of the revised International Linear Collider Project”

21 December 2018 In this Statement issued by KEK in response to the SCJ report, the Japanese research organization asks the Japanese government to act on the ILC and start an international dialogue. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

Working together on Linear Collider software tools

and | 14 December 2017 In order to understand particles you need the right software. Analysing the functionality of your detector, predicting how particles interact and how they move through the detector parts and reconstructing what happened during a collision all depend on the right software. This software isn’t available in app or play stores – if you want it, you have to write it yourself. The linear collider community has recently brought its software up to scratch. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Changes in LCC and in the US regarding ILC

| 11 August 2016 The mandate of the current LCC structure ends at the end of 2016 and ICFA has now put a revised structure in place. There has also been a change in the way the US supports ILC activities. Harry Weerts, current regional director for the Americas, describes these changes and how they will affect ILC activities. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In the light of new accelerators

| 22 July 2016 Did you know that more than 1000 superconducting radiofrequency cavities for roughly 150 cryomodules are needed for accelerator projects which are seeking approval at the moment? And it’s more than 24000 cavities if we add the ILC and the FCC. The TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting is one of the key events to attract SCRF experts from all the world The latest one was held at the beginning of the month, at CEA Saclay, France. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,

A well-focused workshop on top quark physics held at KEK

| 22 July 2016 The top quark is one of the pillars of the physics topics that linear colliders address. From 6 to 9 July 2016, a dedicated workshop on top physics at the lepton colliders was held at KEK. Category: Image of the week | Tagged: , ,

Akira Yamamoto awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon

| 28 April 2016 On 28 April, the Japanese government announced the winners of the "Medal with Purple Ribbon" for 2016, and Akira Yamamoto, professor of KEK and Regional Director for Asia of Linear Collider Collaboration, is one of them. He receives the Medal for his contribution to the advancement of superconducting technology. This medal is awarded to individuals who have contributed to academic and artistic developments, improvements and accomplishments. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,