
Author archive: ilc-newsline

Electron Cloud Studies Conducted at Cornell University

22 February 2007 In the end of January, the Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics (LEPP) at Cornell University hosted collaborators from KEK, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory and Alfred University (an undergraduate University in New York State) to conduct electron cloud studies using the CESR storage ring. CESR is unique in that it is a “wiggler dominated” storage ring capable of storing intense beams of both electrons and positrons, singly or simultaneously. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Japanese Diet Members started a workshop on ILC

15 February 2007 On June 15 last year, the Japanese "Federation of Diet members to promote the realisation of ILC" was formed (See NewsLine from 22 June 2006). The Diet members of the federation held a workshop with ILC researchers on 22 January 2007 in Nagatacho near Tokyo. Nobel laureate Masatoshi Koshiba and Professor Kazuo Nishimura (Kyoto University), who is a famous economist and author of the book "University students who cannot calculate fraction numbers", gave a lecture to the Diet members. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

From SLAC Today: ILC Physics: The Analysis Has Already Begun

15 February 2007 For the proposed International Linear Collider, physicists are trying to both design the most precise calorimeter ever and still be able to afford it. A calorimeter measures the energy of particles in a detector, and is typically the single most expensive part. If you reduce its performance slightly to reduce costs, how much have you sacrificed? Category: Feature | Tagged:

Ni Hao!

8 February 2007 More than two hundred scientists and engineers travelled around the globe this past week to attend the 2007 Beijing ILC Workshop at IHEP. The meeting kicked off with GDE Director Barry Barish releasing the draft Reference Design Report and preliminary cost estimate to the meeting attendees. With the publication of the reference design, scientists and engineers welcomed the start of the next phase of the ILC project Category: Around the World, Slideshow | Tagged: ,

From ICFA Releases GDE Reference Design Report for the International Linear Collider

8 February 2007 Beijing, China - The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) today announced the release of the Reference Design Report (RDR) for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a proposed future particle accelerator. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

From SLAC Today: ILC’s Marx Modulator

1 February 2007 The current design for the International Linear Collider (ILC) requires 576, 10-megawatt klystron tubes to supply microwave power along its 40 km linear accelerator. Each ILC klystron tube needs 120,000 volt, 140-ampere pulses, fired at a rate of five pulses per second. Each pulse delivers a total energy of more than 23 kilojoules—the kinetic energy of a 20 millimeter cannon shell. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

From Fermilab Today: The final countdown: Meson Facility set for ILC Test Beam

25 January 2007 At the opening session of the ILC Test Beam Workshop on Wednesday, participants learned how the upgraded Meson Test Beam Facility will keep pace with the high-precision measurements required by the proposed ILC. The upgraded facility is set to be commissioned next week. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Unprecedented: 13.1 nm for FLASH!

4 May 2006 When Albrecht Wagner, Chairman of the DESY Directorate, opened his mailbox in the morning of 27 April and found an email about FLASH’s 13.1-nm success, he replied immediately: "This is exciting and fantastic news! Congratulations to the entire team!" FLASH, DESY’s pilot facility for the future European XFEL, produced the shortest wavelength yet. This success was celebrated with a party in DESY’s accelerator control room the night before at 22:10 h. Already after three hours, when the superconducting TESLA Test Facility Linac, equipped with five accelerator modules, reached the designated energy of 700 MeV, the electron bunches that traversed the undulator emitted laser flashes with a wavelength of only 13.1 nm (there’s a plot from the logbook for those who don’t believe it). This is an important step on the way to reach the design value of 6 nm planned for the FLASH facility. With the sixth module which will be installed in the second quarter of 2007, it will be possible to accelerate the electron bunches to 1 GeV and to generate wavelengths of 6 nm. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

Caring for Asian Accelerators

30 March 2006 Shin-ichi Kurokawa works actively as Chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), which together with ICFA has created and is overseeing activities of the Global Design Effort. But he also has another face: For more than ten years now, he has been building a closer relationship between accelerators within Asia. His concern is not only for the electron machines but also for proton machines, synchrotron radiation facilities, and eventually, neutron scattering facilities in Asian countries. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

Linear Collider Forum of America Hosts Next ILC Industrialization Meeting at SLAC

13 April 2006 The Linear Collider Forum of America, a not-for-profit industrial forum, will hold its spring 2006 meeting at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in Menlo Park, CA on 1-2 May. Speakers will include Barry Barish, Director ILC Global Design Effort; Gerry Dugan, GDE Regional Director for the Americas; and Jonathan Dorfan, Director SLAC. Additional speakers from the national laboratories, universities and the Department of Energy have been invited to address the group. Separate focus areas will be set up to discuss the key technology challenges of the ILC. Category: Feature | Tagged: